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File: 1689767203828592.png (34564, 790x620, 93377416.png)
Clearly you didnt read it nor understand the tongue and cheek references from those texts and the image that I post. srz bznz
It may have the inspiration but it is not entirely revolve around JP culture.
Almost as if I play roblox and not lurk this dunghole all of the day.
Ban 1 day /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
>bad cultural fit
Agreed, my hrt consumption was too low for NAFO trannies.
BTW how's the spring offensive going?
Warn n/a /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
File: 1689482165844604.jpg (12986, 216x233, ponigga.jpg)
Where my poniggas at??
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
what kind of cope is this lmao why are you so defensive
do you also look like fucking shit irl or are you defending that fucking gypsy nigger because you also are a romanian subhuman?
jesus christ
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
>i'm so le mature i would willingly consume slop because some internet people told me it's good
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
File: 1688951525803450.png (99342, 548x336, image_2023-07-10_031203937.png)
hiii ima 16yr old girl that needs a duo for league of legends, valorant or ANY FUCKING GAME PLZ. ive alrdy tried finding ppl but theyre all boring, im not gonna post a pic of myself here because im kinda sus and idek how 4chan works clearly but if ur fun and down to play and or talk my discord is: verynormalgirl :3
Ban 30 days Global 2 - Underage User
File: 1687921530961505.jpg (382486, 1510x1058, 1687142783116.jpg)
Is my cat cute? He likes to watch me play
Ban 1 day /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
Valve is cancer and eat dogs
i piss on ur faces valce please ban me permanently couse i had enough of ur toxic community and game. U xeroed the best game ever from icefrom and blizzar but u are unable to to keep the enviroment peacefull and polite and im feed up with it. Every singe matchmaking game paired with ruiners and . im the ambasador of good will in every game and wherever some1 starts flaming and blaming i go feed mid untin they stop and say sorry and i dont give a about the outcome. if u cant handle it i dont want to play this . i have feed and ruined in multiple hundreds of games like other players and this will never change i will keep feeding and ruining until u come up with better punishment to keep the comunity in order. the biggest penalty for feeding game after game is a 24h i ever got. LIKE I GIVE A having 4 steam accounts xD. progressing in mmr ios unable couse games are so random that its a fk lottery. So eaither you will come up with and idea to deal with people ruining games or people like me that want to prove a point or go eat fk losers, this is uncomprehended for me how a company like you, from such game like halflife 2 rose to power and succes so much. i wish you the worse and cancer for all of you for what you did to this game. I piss on your faces, and please permanently ban me from this game couse i had enough of this toxic enviroment. VALVE !!!! Only dog subhuman mongol incests work in this studio that care about money and nothing alse work in this studio and i piss or ur faces. go die before you release another game with such a toxic community like dota. I have never seen anythig like this in any game in my life and i play a lot of games. Thats all i have to say you piece of stufio, u are the worse potential ruiners in the world

Warn n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
>>964874 >>965027 >>965023 >>964869
>>965015 >>964867 >>965009 >>964859
>>964995 >>964858 >>964994 >>964856
>>964989 >>964855
>>964988 >>964854
>>964987 >>964853
>>964986 >>964852
>>964983 >>964851
>>964982 >>964850
>>964981 >>964849
>>964978 >>964847
>>964974 >>964845
>>964976 >>964844
>>964972 >>964841
>>964970 >>964840
>>964967 >>964839
>>964966 >>964838
>>964964 >>964836
>>964963 >>964835
>>964960 >>964834
>>964959 >>964833
>>964955 >>964832
>>964952 >>964831
>>964941 >>964830
>>964935 >>964829
>>964933 >>964826
>>964906 >>964825
>>964902 >>964824
>>964899 >>964821
>>964895 >>964820
>>964892 >>964819
>>964890 >>964640
>>964887 >>964641
>>964885 >>964531
>>964884 >>964494
>>964879 >>964488

ALL meant for me
SHOOTOUT my nigga f:o:o:n:e:r:i:s:m u a real one and i love you, looking forward to our diaper rp later
modded lobby btw
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1686513207242897.png (47935, 598x457, 1 (15).png)
When you reply to a bait/cropped webm this is who you reply to btw
Warn n/a /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
File: 1684855070452107.png (84237, 720x1632, 1671412492558.png)
Warn n/a Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1684118767889802.png (699175, 620x877, __elesis_and_crimson_avenger_elsword_drawn_by_waero__3d9ca9221f88033ad272e017b62c4d33.png)
Even Fi-san is better.
THIS is a real Elesexo.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
what do we do about unironic groomer trannies like this? i know 4chuds arent big on vigilantism (NYPA) but i seriously cant handle these niggers anymore.
Ban 1 day /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
File: 1681801248507274.png (397850, 512x512, 1678394776580433.png)
This kills the kogasa trannies
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
File: 1677061047297871.png (164309, 281x331, Killingmyself.png)
>Be me, a 15 year old playing pedo kidde 4chan galore, Ace Attorney Online with a few friends.
>Befriend this dude, over 20.
We were chatting and shit-posting and he whips out this copypasta.
It was some 'special sauce' bs.
>What's the special sauce?
>Oh no.
20 year old dude proceeds to send a copypasta on how this woman ate doritos with her own pussy juice and named it her special sauce.
>Nothing but pure horror reading that shit.
Literally, why would you say that to a 15 year old?
Ban 30 days Global 2 - Underage User
File: 1677028517739605.png (146336, 1775x1269, 19406 - angry clothes glasses hat oldfag open_mouth roblox soyjak stubble variant_feraljak video_game yellow_skin.png)
Why is every mention of Lemurboy07 banned here? What did he even do? IIRC He made some shitty animations of Roblox 10 years ago, had beef with SharpTH, quit, kinda trooned, then made autistic animations for children (autistic adults).

Now I go on /vm/ and check deleted posts and consistently - Lemurboy07 mentions in any way are deleted. Is he a mod? Is he a mod's Discord kitten????
Warn n/a /vm/ 1 - Off-topic; Not Multiplayer
File: 1677009425517416.jpg (334259, 1126x685, 1657959173778.jpg)
>>get fucked lmao
>>wow i just took down your irrelevant bypassed account with no value to you, i totally owned you
>>it's not like you can just make another one and evade, no that's completely impossible
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
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