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File: 1724814920952433.jpg (1485012, 2160x1714, Screenshot_20240814_213139_Brave.jpg)
We support Kamala Harris.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
how is he out of touch? Kamala is far, far more popular amongst Gen Z than Trump it isn't even close
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
he's a gay bitch projecting as an alpha male. it's so lame and off-putting that it literally only fools women
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
the same ones who had a white board of trump nicknames that hillary could use and they had shit like "the bad man" and "voldertrump". and then they settled on "drumpf", lol
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724805735829992.jpg (1569110, 1179x1916, IMG_0549.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724798340249282.png (333675, 741x690, 1719827529199357.png)
This is actually a pretty good idea. Any /tv/ anons do something similar while watching kinos?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724792167749384.jpg (1118740, 1146x1158, IMG_5964.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724762407120726.jpg (61735, 680x468, 423B62E1-7A4F-4590-ADFC-EE92EEE04737.jpg)
How come actresses dont do photoshoots like this anymore?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724745460038414.jpg (96181, 940x529, IMG_1533.jpg)
I know it’s hard to comprehend but it looks real to me. It looks like a giant ape walking.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724779699854931.jpg (152760, 1280x720, IMG_6404.jpg)
>noooo skidbidi toliet is cringe!!!!!

>yay crazy frog haha

Y’all are hypocrites.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Baskin Roberts.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724789498353595.jpg (344203, 543x791, 9dd227dcd4cdb4b1b4959a052976495c_jpg.jpg)
Imagine Isabel slurping the cum out of your dick while making that scrunchy zoomer girl face
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724788575444742.jpg (469542, 980x1475, socbqoog0nz51.jpg)
Destroys your fragile ego with a look
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only

imagine being her boyfriend and getting to fuck her while she’s dressed like this
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Yes, but it still has plenty of current year bullshit
>nigger hockey coach
>hijabi on a hockey team
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
>Riley if she was real but also noticibly several years older
ew, no thanks
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
Rangeban this spamming 'muh funny German forced meme' offtopic faggot
Also get a job
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
Would have been a better pick than Vance.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724771992659757.png (395004, 512x512, 3A25D4DD-0B77-470E-8822-AD804ED75F63.png)
JigC goes on /co/? You fundies sure are dumb than I think. your retardèd.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
Your shitskins friends need to go back and you need a bullet in your head for being a race traitor
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724780138698108.png (767964, 1024x1024, fldyrrjs8nkd1.png)

He's based in a fun uncle kinda way.


I could 100% see the Democrats ordering Kamala to step down for Walz once the "Brat" hype dies down and people realize she's just one of those boring people who has no friends, hobbies, personality, or kids because she only cared about her career.

Boomers will go crazy over Walz's moderate sensible Midwestern schoolteacher vibe. All they care about is things being "normal" with no chaos or meaningful reforms as they enter retirement.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724727055719888.jpg (517118, 1905x1986, 124908787.jpg)
Y’all ever cosplay your favorite television and film characters?
Warn n/a /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724744972090943.jpg (64849, 552x347, 2352355.jpg)
2 cheeseburgers have been deposited into your account
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724761600198213.jpg (239603, 1200x1172, FZaVfA4XkAAuFli.jpg)
How do I unfuck my life up, I mean what are some kinos about unfucking your life?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724750286288582.jpg (110830, 1000x1233, MV5BMWRiNzczYzMtOGE1Yi00Njg0LWFkNTUtYzE3NmVkZDZkMjg5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_ (1).jpg)
Where to find girls irl that look like elizabeth debicki?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724753277766760.png (432226, 1200x638, file.png)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724735504522970.jpg (63094, 538x445, 1493870348409.jpg)
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
Bateman's Brazilian Bunda being crammed by the Baskin bros!
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724741455195614.webm (743179, 640x360, 1722178149599401.webm)
ganon likes to watch
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724728963377227.jpg (200020, 850x925, 14086794.jpg)
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724735524301354.png (783960, 1080x1080, Untitled design_20240417_081528_0000.png)
Josie when you tell her there are 39 more white bois after this
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724718248372617.jpg (468626, 1063x1400, cute.jpg)
Why do Palestinians hate this smile?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
Baskin Roberts
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724718565967453.jpg (812558, 1284x1907, 1698624891360178.jpg)
Palestinians are fat, low IQ, and inbred
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724731602015801.png (915918, 1032x1062, 1713365684705.png)
The nigger rhymes are my I must whine about a non astute prostitute and her wimp pimps who act like simps. Neptune Goodson spun to a futa fucker hermaphrodite sam hyde who frights at the sight of mascullinity.
Let Josie kill herself so the 15th degree of masonry can cry at the death of lilith, nothing but a frit on the lame groomer pedophiles of MDE it's a certainty.

You've proven my life worthless and I reject your love-bait of Josie. There's nothing to do but laugh at the prostitute who should cut her neck and the group who encouraged her to it.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724733155357336.png (3644, 268x188, batemansucks.png)
Crammable Bateman baskin edition rock.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724734127763196.jpg (112495, 763x1128, 1526731744691.jpg)
Seth doesn't appear to be a MAP, unlike Sam
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
>a parasite feeds of it's host while it forces out native populations
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724725646371446.jpg (194782, 571x534, daisyeyes.jpg)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
>50 years old
>I get rock hard at her instagram posts
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724721006134659.jpg (159993, 544x795, himmler.jpg)
>Put 1000 people on a train to nowhere, telling them they will be resettled
>A Sonderkommando consisting of a few dozen soldiers demands that they leave the train and cram themselves into a very small basement to be gassed
>1000 people willingly comply to the demands of a hand full of guards
>Close the door and drop pellets of insect poison from holes in the ceiling
>Use just enough insecticide to kill everyone while not leaving any chemical traces on the wall
>1000 people instantly die
>Cremate all bodies using advanced technology we still can't replicate to make them disappear into thin air, leaving no giant piles or sediment of ash
>Repeat multiple times a day for 4 years
>Close the holes in the ceiling and replace the hermetically sealed door with a wooden door
>When the allies and soviets arrive they find an empty basement
"I never killed anyone. I simply gave them a choice. Live, or Die."
-Heinrich Himmler
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724731576463858.webm (953931, 460x378, The ol slipperoo.webm)
What's your favorite prison break movie?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
yes its actually the funniest thing on this board
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Someone keeps funding them.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
>which of these ZOG funded degeneracy outlets is most suitable for children
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
lost all respect for her when i saw her covered in jizz. WHORE!
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724730527390887.jpg (19584, 360x270, rockinboys.jpg)
>I's be passin' a kidney shtone!
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724717446456064.png (983765, 1080x1200, 1705294098729.png)
I will breed the Judaism out of Libby.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Baskin Roberts Die Antwoord
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724721739266902.jpg (77499, 512x512, IMG_0794.jpg)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724722864143830.jpg (26845, 640x539, IMG_0621.jpg)
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724720649928273.jpg (311918, 1170x1575, IMG_8851.jpg)
Who let the tranny on the Mod team?
Ban 3 days Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
File: 1724707605121597.jpg (165214, 1080x1079, IMG_2496.jpg)
Locked or keyed?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724712181750506.jpg (95512, 757x662, 1724706177190750.jpg)
I'd rather idolize walter than the average democrat "man." .
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724710507546163.png (1029490, 1287x567, Screenshot_20240421-132841~2.png)
why did He do it?
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724699479397894.jpg (229780, 1080x1350, 20240818_002158.jpg)
She's exactly my type. It's why I love her
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724698304147009.jpg (126482, 1023x678, 1724680259153368(1).jpg)
she's absurdly average, wtf is wrong with you
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724699122771385.jpg (42257, 559x548, images.jpg)
Do you know who I am. I'm an institution. You don't ban me and get away with it. Oh, no no no no no. You'll rue the day. Rue. It. I'm telling Santa, to put you the Naughty List.
Ban 3 days Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
File: 1724701834381758.png (112557, 800x2041, 1724604342456e - Copy (4).png)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724696693340220.png (663308, 1582x785, 1701460574367139.png)
Asianbros... can we handle another WMAFkino for this year after what happened with Shogun?

Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724702585768637.jpg (37780, 500x500, mega.jpg)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Imagine how good her pale skin would look with a caramel dark veiny black jungle cock
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724690710454677.jpg (301184, 1600x1230, ret.jpg)
Warn n/a /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724697235606128.png (1029490, 1287x567, Screenshot_20240421-132841~2.png)
why did He do it?
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724685195179905.jpg (144661, 512x512, 4A8AA9B7-ED8B-45CC-A36F-7105B331AC20.jpg)
cram it fundie! baskin roberts is the most populars meme on 4chan! you haven not laugh this hard on years!
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
Fund Trust Band
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724670643522788.webm (431410, 406x720, 917.webm)
As my wife
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724682171166772.jpg (428893, 2500x1300, ks_toki011.jpg)
>still shilling this mushy grapefruit face after she got paki spit in her mouth
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724677291183053.jpg (206415, 1400x1400, oh-no-not-politics-and-um4FfGj0c-x-MpzEB4g0YOk.1400x1400-2727237996.jpg)
Whatever happened to atheism?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724681579106710.jpg (298771, 1447x1437, IMG_2274.jpg)
>main character is a girl that gets set up on a blind date
>her date shows up and he’s a really cute guy but…
*record scratch*
>HE’S ONLY 5’6”??!?!?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
Preggo DaDDario would mog shit out of plastic downer
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724690425606148.png (411420, 1093x1076, 1460832840563b.png)
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724686324950074.jpg (86078, 800x1482, 123901923-9013.jpg)
/tv/ actresses purely built for BBC BVLLS
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724673767255293.jpg (133621, 789x1024, 1712178828419697m.jpg)
I want to smooch her
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724668007689477.jpg (272972, 1028x1443,
Who do you most want to leak?

Mine roughly in order!
> Antje Traue
> Hayley Atwell
> Annie Wersching (RIP - only ever showed ass on film)
> Katee Sackhoff
> Grace Caroline Currey
> Kate Beckinsale
> Priyanka Chopra
> Deborah Ann Woll (with face unlike her past unconfirmed leaks)
> Halle Bailey
> Avantika Vandanapu
> Gina Carano
> Lynn Collins
> Chloe Bennet
> Claudia Doumit
> Karen Fukuhara
> Rebecca Ferguson
> Bridget Regan
> Amy Adams
> Caity Lotz
> Cassidy Freeman
> Elizabeth Henstridge
> Brec Bassinger
> Zazie Beetz
> Olivia Thirlby
> Annabelle Wallis
> Felicity Jones
> Danielle Harris
> Millie Bobby Brown
> Madison Lintz (with face to clarify from sister's leaks)
> Daisy Ridley (ass specifically)
> Christina Chong
Ban 3 days /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
File: 1724651935838774.jpg (43726, 640x480, k38v3ocuxt581.jpg)
We need a symbol...something that says we're gay AND republican.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724669691352623.png (510529, 671x696, bfi99rhfvyfu2.png)
>good morrow my fair lady's of /got/hotd/ how goes your monthly bleed?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724658323457589.jpg (177432, 860x1024, 1724651283894895m.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724662554188664.jpg (73678, 1000x982, FCotFscWUAgQF4r.jpg)
Stupida fucking game
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724657645555876.webm (1389031, 1920x1080, 1724180927842310.webm)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724665054722193.jpg (129431, 480x640, IMG_6208.jpg)
is it gay to go by powenvy or should i just be jacob on site

nyc is fire but halo with greg asap, and trying to get hayley to play league ffs just say yes damnit
also i went to a asian massage parlor in nyc shits lit try it out sometime
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724658774117976.jpg (213893, 1536x2048, 20240811_000450.jpg)
He's preparing her soul for the privilege of carrying a black baby and ending her european genetic legacy to support a Black bred future for every white country and bloodline.

When she returns to the world she will witness a future where white girls like her become the key breeders of the future Blacked world and so she needs to prepare herself to train other white girls to become carriers of the black bred world of tomorrow
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724647570060910.png (1087412, 1080x1152, 1715647239732.png)
The nigger rhymes are my I must whine about a non astute prostitute and her wimp pimps who act like simps. Neptune Goodson spun to a futa fucker hermaphrodite sam hyde who frights at the sight of mascullinity.
Let Josie kill herself so the 15th degree of masonry can cry at the death of lilith, nothing but a frit on the lame groomer pedophiles of MDE it's a certainty.

You've proven my life worthless and I reject your love-bait of Josie. There's nothing to do but laugh at the prostitute who should cut her neck and the group who encouraged her to it.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724654429106387.jpg (209134, 853x1280, 40205B9B-6724-48C0-BF51-9E216E71220C.jpg)
kinos for this aesthetic?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Imagine all the torture methods the CIA will use on him, all the 12 hour sissy hypno sessions, I bet he'll troon out afterwards like that Manning guy.
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724645354713739.gif (1465956, 292x498, 1724590820943367.gif)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724642944000950.jpg (362358, 1920x1038, son.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724647307719696.webm (4190303, 402x714, 1724592911421956.webm)
Movies about women not getting what they want?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724646617187617.gif (2619875, 600x600, 37723tran.gif)
Whats a great found footage horror film?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
Remembering that Baskin Roberts came out in 2011 has me shook.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
We're going to Baskin Roberts!
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724624997256157.png (2100164, 2392x1640, 1703809434192025.png)
Warn n/a /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
Baskin Roberts
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
He can’t be a fundie!
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724635681671321.jpg (104826, 570x570, il_570xN.341426255.jpg)
I hate Jews. Fuck you Jews. You never really did anything for me!!!!!!!!
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724642957231856.jpg (124695, 598x455, 1A6797B4-23DB-4957-B0B6-3E15FB9CC08F.jpg)
how would you adapt his work to film?
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724633517700641.jpg (549268, 1170x1180, IMG_0828.jpg)
Ban 3 days /tv/ 1 - Off-Topic, Television/Film Only
File: 1724633061547591.webm (1947354, 1280x720, berserk.webm)
how the hell will they adapt this scene in the live action?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724636557656090.jpg (106229, 902x1440, IMG_1070.jpg)
what happened???
Warn n/a /tv/ 2 - Off-Topic Actress/Actor Discussion
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