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Post Action Length Reason
File: 1739591084415704.jpg (191896, 1280x960, A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg)
Maybe mormons are right
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739582805883598.jpg (33641, 653x487, Gentleman.jpg)
Salutations gentlemen, can somebody please administrate me the name of this ol' chap???
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739578465082445.jpg (48226, 640x480, sddefault (1).jpg)
You Americans are lucky. Apparently in USA there are now tons of these "ABGs" who are sexy tattooed asian woman. Can you confirm?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739585715863953.jpg (257508, 1112x1600, Gwyneth-Paltrow-2013.jpg)
None of you did anything to save her.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739585170526399.webm (1928449, 640x360, 1727295362324774.webm)
ye but she gained some weight
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739569152006958.png (578911, 698x613, thewesthasfallentndprotocolwillstartinfiveminutes.png)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739572137898199.jpg (145290, 919x1428, lol.jpg)
How can you call yourself white when you got shit colored eyes like jeets, sandniggers, and chinks? I'm waiting.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739583831379193.jpg (18341, 460x610, 1726723713188595.jpg)
The left wants to normalise this
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
The board is shilled harder by drumpf faggots now than any time in history. Anyone trying to replace the sign tap meme is a shill. Additionally any of these
>celebrate victories
>wins are real
>you lost
>Kamala lost
>Trump won
>tranny tranny tranny tranny
>saying MIGA makes you a leftist
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1739573153980927.jpg (12393, 228x221, aeda624eeb6cdb390ef5ff1379dfae08.jpg)
Do I get to finally leave this place?
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739573032941406.jpg (365422, 595x740, IMG_1130.jpg)
while you hang in your tard wrangling station
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739571998624745.jpg (437365, 1800x1800, C1B821BE-42A6-4DC7-A792-C2833EF67870.jpg)
Where do I look better pol?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739566476822456.jpg (51638, 686x386, hq720.jpg)
What'd i say about banning me?
Im not going to check my discord.
Are you remotely controlling me, you think?
Another ban,
And your kids death is PROMISED tonight by Pan!
You aren't my guardians or keepers.
I own you.
I dare you to test me again.
Imagine your children as you press the trigger tied to the death of your children.
Have you eaten today?
Any thought of self harm or society
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739572305415250.gif (195494, 386x304, pepe-wizard.gif)
Coolest ID decides the next Happening

World war 3
Ban 1 day Global 3 - Dubs/GET posts
File: 1739561572918174.webm (396414, 464x624, 1662640737011216.webm)
Remember when you used to post dead navy seals and juuba sniper webms, but now you're celebrating U.S victory. CURIOUS
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1739563451742842.png (673511, 522x786, 1735050978773247.png)
Please disregard the samefagging paedophile
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739563699160492.jpg (330332, 1304x2048, 3o2txp659u4e1.jpg)
by convincing me that ANYTHING except for money matters

see when i was a kid, with my natural " programing " i wasnt retarded and i was obsessed with money

along the way u morons convinved me its about height dick size muscles etc

then yesterday i saw a fat ugly balding 50y old walk with a 10/10 massive ass girl to his porsche while im struggling to get a fucking date

nothing but money matters.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739555915702920.jpg (177325, 1300x951, assassination-scene-jfk-1991-2JD8A5N.jpg)
Guise, I'm 12 and I have no idea what happened here, can you redpill me on what Jackie was doing? What was she going for? It makes no sense. K, thanx, bye. I'm working on a history report for my 4th grade class.
Ban 30 days Global 2 - Underage User
File: 1739560181503464.jpg (6223, 208x243, images (32).jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739552249701467.jpg (3180046, 1920x2560, IMG_20250214_222034.jpg)
Ask me anything /pol/
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739549919052648.jpg (31900, 470x342, IMG_8711.jpg)
All threads on /pol/ and guess what nothing ever happens, nothing ever happens!!!!
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
How fucking dare you. How dare you just sit there, day after day, and do nothing. How dare you pretend this is anything less than a betrayal of everything we claim to stand for. How dare you look yourselves in the mirror and call yourselves leaders. You’re not leaders. You’re cowards. You’re accomplices. You’re the ones who will be remembered for standing by and letting this happen. For letting the innocent die. For letting the world burn.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1739556386885236.png (4132392, 1203x1748, Open folder Downloads.jpeg.png)
Why is this allowed?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739554619142764.webm (1711541, 640x640, ddb02e483c4cc3d3b0679347e778353ab95a97c9.webm)
Why are you on pol? Today's the Valentine's Day.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739552340528742.jpg (77552, 968x971, RNU5.jpg)
Make the move, sent her this.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739541379385179.jpg (2064100, 3000x2000, IMG_4021.jpg)
Yep, you already know what time it is.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739542475353221.jpg (102888, 1280x753, nigger.jpg)
Oh no no no Mr. Chud, you can't criticize the mainstream narrative. You have no right to bring up the issue of racial differences. No you can't raise the issue of replacing the native population in white countries. But for that you can watch the whore with her ass out. You're welcome, goy.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739532426233365.mp4 (4081182, 410x730, kosher_camper.mp4)
I've got the solution: motorhomes. You can park it anywhere, it's bigger than a cuckpod, for water you can take a tube and suck it out of any lake and you can get electricity by hooking a cable to the public power line.
Please watch the entire video related to understand my point and watch it with your family to convince them as well
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739538912801238.jpg (1073776, 1093x1196, IMG_0675.jpg)
How do I cope with the reality that I will never be able to move out of my parents house despite working a full time job requiring a college degree while internet whores make millions each year just by showing off their bodies on the internet? I skipped work today and am thinking of just calling it quits.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739543852464332.jpg (1970733, 3456x2592, IMG_20250214_153213_906_1.jpg)
My gf gave a burger for valentines day. What about yours?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739531551611660.mp4 (4069749, 540x960, l2PrA0XI3Fn2w19g_no_audio.mp4)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739534549061385.jpg (28717, 439x439, 1738293935143918.jpg)
There's been a significantly higher than normal incidence of trip and namefag posting for the past two weeks because some shill group is testing out how it affects their post engagement rates.
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739532369626720.jpg (140819, 1920x1080, american men.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739532202858832.gif (388660, 788x711, 1739527535524014.gif)
banned on reddit again, inciting violence against m*sk
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739534210201572.jpg (42491, 675x854, 1739056737471613.jpg)
Are they really white Europeans?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739533692518428.jpg (615344, 832x870, IMG_2220.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739536896686217.mp4 (4081182, 410x730, kosher_camper.mp4)
You can't call yourself white if you don't live in one of these, simple as that
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739523621809882.jpg (223791, 919x1293, download.jpg)
Inkcels and paintpigs are on suicide watch.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739528377704350.webm (3171745, 1184x1728, 1718158046719304.webm)
Should AI be banned?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
My butthole stinks so bad of rotten cum
How do I make it smell like roses?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739524582929890.jpg (17586, 240x180, v6sogjh8_bryan-johnson_625x300_10_April_24.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739533025080653.png (10464, 1527x50, Screenshot_125.png)
What are political implications of masculinity collapsing to the point where straight men take estrogen? What will be the future if this continues?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739533484538693.png (1856236, 1278x764, imgonline-com-ua-collage-WGvoX6eUdA1A8.png)
Lemme guess you need more?

Nac is scam pharma that does nothing
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739533028749291.png (87880, 644x480, 1676051743913539.png)
My fiancée cheated on me with a nigger
I'm not even angry, I just want to die
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739519137518205.jpg (113126, 396x510, upscalemedia-transformed.jpg)
I know we do a lot of bantering here on /pol/ but I wanted to let you know you are forgiven in Christ Jesus
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739520070490891.jpg (303811, 1920x1200, iu 74.jpg)
You never even met the dude
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739512593329386.jpg (199201, 1024x1451, download.jpg)
I’m NOT shit shy. In fact, I’m a Poo Fanatic and a fart joke fan to the extreme. I even have the childhood cartoon books “The Gas We Pass” and “Everybody Poo’s!” proudly displayed on my mantle while my unused copy of “War and Peace” collects dust buried in my sock drawer. Hey, I’m a self-professed and mildly obsessed Poo Lover and not ashamed to admit it. Shit’s funny!
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739512877482230.jpg (152721, 814x1120, download.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739524780294135.jpg (330713, 1074x964, 1712252247010638.jpg)
you know what day it is and your on 4chan lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739519321954252.mp4 (4081182, 410x730, kosher_camper.mp4)
Why don't you get an motorhome, anon? This marvel could solve your housing problem
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739517538305048.jpg (133882, 631x1042, download.jpg)
Oi mate, did ya hear about the roo who couldn’t hold his poo? He’d be jumpin’ around like he won the billabong lotto—always leavin’ a little "hang out" surprise wherever he hopped off! Now that's a ripper of a mess, eh?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739513403100279.jpg (204484, 1025x1442, download.jpg)
Your wife poops in designated streets!
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739524067292874.jpg (254632, 760x1184, download.jpg)
I can't believe Herta has to poop and pee, that's gross
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739509563444054.webm (1201186, 1080x1920, 1739449020962003.webm)
Trans women aren't real wome-
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739518545414267.png (742147, 512x768, 5591071 - AI-generated Christianity Jesus religion.png)
>obey this man from 2025 years ago who thought he was god or be TRASHED
great answer, very high iq
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739505221317032.webm (2887403, 722x406, 1650883781409.webm)
This, faggotry is OVER.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739500472430868.png (521687, 537x1211, IMG_2149.png)
*tap tap tap*
Time for the shills to earn their keep. Your supervisor isn’t paying you to sit around!
Please seethe at the sign at your own leisure, and for our entertainment.
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
>2x4's that are twice as strong as 2x4's of today
>source: I made it up
Kill yourself.
Warn n/a /pol/ 2 - Attacking Users
File: 1739505734091946.jpg (219571, 1348x1000, 1728425653599005.jpg)
Stop touching your penis.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739500883201070.jpg (79707, 646x617, IMG_5414.jpg)
>ruins your life and happiness
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739507031864974.webm (826369, 480x480, 1733743238798144.webm)
What's the best age of c()nsent for you?
For me its
8+ between male/male
12+ between female/female
21+ between female/male
This is the most logical solution to AOC problem.
And reduce sexual abuse.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
You're an annoying shitskin
Ban 1 day /pol/ 2 - Attacking Users
File: 1739492164696947.jpg (69897, 700x525, 6660b7b1d0b8e1c832cc3b36.jpg)
Why havent you bought a Cybertruck yet?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739503009583520.jpg (107113, 918x500, 1737150122137859.jpg)
>When the phony assassination happened I knew trump was scripted to win to push war for kikes
why do you think this helps you?
Ban 1 day /pol/ 2 - Attacking Users
File: 1739506272899480.jpg (103154, 1024x682, Balanitis-1_-irritant-dermatitis_Anthony-Hall-1024x682.jpg)
This is good advice
I used to touch my pp too much and once got it no lie
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739506035095300.png (340215, 739x719, Screenshot 2025-02-14 150607.png)
Why are blacks such faggots?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739498218780477.jpg (172057, 658x1024, be2e0e93-a518-431b-9f59-ad5f3a2614a6.jpg)
Pitbull love thread. Anyone else's family has owned 3 pitbulls (not at once, in succesion)?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739488925804092.jpg (242584, 1024x1024, AD6931AF-9A30-4677-9396-802B27AF07C4.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739501285116166.jpg (78492, 1024x602, bps.jpg)
'uber thread
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739494843497780.jpg (47010, 589x599, 1720031351440897.jpg)
Why did american slave owners have sex with male niggers as a power display? That is fucking gay.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739488850137926.jpg (591956, 1097x720, IMG_1789.jpg)
I love smoking these
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739490478052589.jpg (176759, 800x1200, Cheddar Man WHG.jpg)
The racist american notion of a single "white race" doesn't exist in biology.

If I were European, I wouldn't waste time importing the notions of genetics or anthropology that Americans have. I would close ranks in Europe and make policies only for indigenous Europeans and for them to be preserved on their continent of origin. Diasporas cannot have a say. Take it as advice I give to Europeans.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739488593849639.jpg (214032, 1074x1286, 1739408762276120.jpg)
How do we fix this?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739486451251567.png (413922, 700x442, 1739439779781648.png)
Reminder that Americans bleach their eggs.
Yes, to """avoid salmonella"""

Lets take a moment to point and laugh at them
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739492204695030.jpg (58627, 618x709, 1738349617837721~2.jpg)
If I am working and paying taxes I am entitled to sex.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739486897758110.jpg (1831927, 3024x4032, 5-months-into-growing-my-hair-out-v0-jl9d6fk44w5e1.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739479940514190.png (651982, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20250213-154011.png)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739483470690395.webm (3827231, 360x640, 1739369924603793.webm)
>here's your heckin based tradwife bro
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1739488768472583.mp4 (4183195, 720x1280, 1735135053258175.mp4)
>usa dating scene rn
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739469811600829.jpg (246123, 1866x1200, Waves.jpg)
What exactly is SpaceX's endgame here?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739468575446283.jpg (29820, 600x483, 1658334056873500.jpg)
The cutie cashier smiled at me today
Should I go for it?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739470966044106.png (3300483, 2560x2560, file.png)
enjoy it while it lasts
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739467648154566.png (9879, 512x512, unnamed.png)
Can someone please help me
What is the answer?

And do not say 4
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1739474891158286.jpg (667430, 1079x618, jenolan cave disaster.jpg)
what are the political implications of mostly white men going underwater cave diving or caving and dying?
i have been obsessed with under underwater cave diving incidents and one thing common is it's adventurous white men and also human recklessnes.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739473702133899.jpg (74762, 540x360, 360_F_315711949_BDINi.jpg)
is mettbrochen really that good? why dont you guys use raw beef instead of pork? aren't you folks concerned about le wurmz? what are the political implications of this kind of food being a staple in the modern age in comparison to american slop? I feel like the EU unironically eats better than the rest of the world sometimes, am I wrong?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739460139277434.png (66201, 937x462, Screenshot 2025-02-13 085428.png)
Why are there so many men who don't have their shit together? Bums! Women want families and you people can't provide, you can't cook or clean, what are you doing?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739467659756538.jpg (837736, 1439x1079, 1721658137482494.jpg)
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739454861837875.png (164808, 373x475, Screenshot_20250213-043413-231~2.png)
Did you hear what happened to Elons kid?!
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739468380164378.webm (2935557, 1280x720, 1738769221121792.webm)
>Men just keep getting weaker
>Women just keep getting stronger

WHAT is going on?! Is this the kali yuga?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739458379683207.jpg (237006, 1600x900, 03HAWKTUAH-GUYS2-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg)
Why do white women love disclosing their sex life to black youtubers? I've seen hundreds of videos like these
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739460342120167.jpg (277544, 1080x1055, 2016.jpg)
"the last good year" just keeps moving forward
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Deport to /bant/
File: 1739458768933675.jpg (83278, 1024x1024, image.jpg)
if you support child pornography laws, you support censorship and are a kike
if you have even the slightest problem with AI child pornography (even when using the likeness of real children), you are a disgusting child rapist who wants to see real children actually physically exploited instead of less harmful alternatives propogate
if you support child pornography being illegal, you support the FBI running child porn websites and not actually catching any p3dos, just trading it with their FVEY friends for (((national security)))
imagine being more retarded than a MUDSLIME
imagine hating beauty more than a SANDNIGGER
imagine hating the glory and beauty of Western Civilization more than a KIKE
you probably don't have to imagine that at all because you listen to everything the kikes tell you
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739454706901146.png (332052, 629x877, leafed maple queens.png)
And just like that, the Canacuck meme returned.

Also this particular porn is related to political discussion and is not off topic porn posting. Newfag jannies should notice the report for porn specifically only targets random porn unrelated to discussion.
Warn n/a /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739435276145591.mp4 (4022431, 468x832, 14815017215050.mp4)
How did Jap women defeat The Wall?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739442726323516.png (1276504, 1080x640, Ukrainians Rachel and Rebecca Lanis.png)
This girl on the left from Detroit who was shot by her dad still thinks he was crazy. When he was a little paranoid and a little right wing but overall a normal person.

In fact, he could have been considered left wing since he had had compassion for Russian chinkoid ogres.

This is not normal in a democracy. This should not happen in a democracy.

The government did some nasty things to him and gas lit him.

Right now, the current government is covering it up. As they are with "seed oils."

The government is run by a bunch of homos and their shills like Elon Musk.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739427302078565.jpg (475938, 2048x1536, 1672623845060322.jpg)
>women there no longer having sex
>everyone desires white skin
>everything is cheap
when will you come home, white man?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739445444906878.png (816373, 1080x1080, squareblur.photoeditor.effect.collagemaker.mirror_20252355750286.png)
lmao your ID says poo
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1739450792495574.png (1075668, 976x850, 1684047129074911.png)
Wanna be my valentine?
Ban 3 days /pol/ 1 - Off-Topic, Politics/Current Events Only
File: 1739441395626009.jpg (928453, 853x1336, image.jpg)
Log into a hohols account using them, az login on CLI
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
File: 1739444791647833.jpg (683602, 891x953, image.jpg)
A girl taking a shit is THE most intimate, dirty, and degrading thing she can possibly do. Nothing surpasses it, nothing is more private or taboo, not even literally having sex.
Ban 3 days /pol/ 3 - Pornography
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