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File: 1690084319746337.jpg (6314, 229x220, puff.jpg)
cities that have declared bankruptcy due to
commie or pro nig policy

Detroit, Michigan, USA
Stockton, California, USA
San Bernardino, California, USA
Vallejo, California, USA
Jefferson County, Alabama, USA
Central Falls, Rhode Island, USA
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
Mammoth Lakes, California, USA
Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Desert Hot Springs, California, USA

cities that were nearly bankrupt due to
commie or pro nig policy

New york city NY, USA
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
San Francisco, California, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Camden, New Jersey, USA

cities bankrupt due suburbs or sprawl

I've asked many urbanists to name a single American city that went bankrupt due to the cost of sprawl (and not due to their population leaving or having its industries hollowed out as that would kill any city no matter how dense). I have never received an answer. One would think if suburbs are so unsustainable, it would be trivial to name an example of one that failed. Modern suburbs have been around for a hundred years, so there has been ample time for the "Ponzi scheme" to have collapsed.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
This. Don't ask for a prison lane for yourself, the whole road belongs to the cyclist just as much as to any other vehicle and it's your duty as a white man to demonstrate that to lesser beings.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1689557579129497.png (166684, 596x507, 1689557133751377.png)
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1689139191906872.png (162179, 762x262, 1658789647382067.png)
Correct, t. the guy currently facing decades in prison in NYC for fighting back after a Person of Diversity tried to culturally enrich the entire train.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1689102327332108.jpg (503318, 1004x1280, 5FF65D0B-4915-4B02-B96C-39844A167269.jpg)
is it normal to be able to smell your genitalia through your pants after you get off of a bike seat?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1689057298439844.jpg (47846, 621x493, images - 2023-07-06T222855.336.jpg)
Kek, bikecucks absolutely seething, maybe they are actual faggots and got offended.
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1688927349843190.webm (741902, 1280x720, 1673459672059394.webm)
>fatposter thinks the only way to unban yourself is a VPN

Because he has absolutely no other arguments besides calling people fat.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1688902653699907.gif (992467, 320x176, 1688902559067.gif)
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1688903265806138.jpg (53051, 630x507, citylife.jpg)
>no you
Concession accepted.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1688903451756525.webm (464642, 782x460, 1636253767223.webm)
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1688903565799694.webm (2949783, 576x720, DASH_720(2).webm)
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
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Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
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Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1688904643821661.webm (1787162, 720x1280, rosa_parks.webm)
>no you
Unconditional surrender accepted.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1688850521861808.jpg (201031, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)
>trains are grea-ACK
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
File: 1688560732728679.png (182204, 941x984, Untitled.png)
Warn n/a /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1688532043455562.jpg (116825, 640x480, 1686712852589762.jpg)
I barely notice I am carrying 100lbs at the back.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
Stop being poor and buy a car
Warn n/a /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
you are a retarded fucking kike, not for any opinion you voiced, but because you used that stupid fucking "uhm ackshually" phrase. I hope you shoot yourself soon
Warn n/a Global 3 - Racism
You should be shot and put on public display for obstructing traffic on infrastructure you do not pay for.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
it's the result of leftist policies + total demographic replacement. Import the third world, slowly become the third world.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1687953522940639.jpg (397139, 2272x4032, 1687953499365.jpg)
Post 4 pot rental spec, cuck.
Warn n/a /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1687874939330471.jpg (84351, 988x660, Sgdhc.jpg)
Hello, US! Welcome to the 3rd world!
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
so what the fuck do you propose then? just ALLOW the niggers to come in? or are you implying that we install NS-3000s (NS = NiggerSensor) in our bullet stations to detect niggers? we'd make it so that NTs (NiggerTickets) would be duds, so that when niggers scanned their ticket to board it wouldn't work and it would give them a hassle until they missed their train and would have to purchase another one? sure, some persistent niggies may buy another ticket and keep trying, we'll say after two attempts of a nigger buying more tickets to try again, we'll let them through. surely a nigger who's spending more money than usual on train tickets would be unlikely to be an unruly nigger. however then nigs would be less likely to ride our bullet trains because it seems to never work for them. i see your point now. i agree.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
Can i suck your cock?
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1687821771935240.jpg (91857, 781x537, Capture.jpg)
Broke: Lycra
Woke: Naked
Bespoke: Naked in front of hundreds of children
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
Hating and distrusting chinks is a perfectly rational reflex, anon is just uninformed about who Shimano is.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
doing gods work
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1687427397958320.jpg (180074, 1240x697, 1687427376888.jpg)
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1687031950779843.png (36629, 250x250, Volvo_Trucks_Logo.png)
> they literally invented the modern seatbelt
> their cars have far superior safety features than anything else in the market
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1686693606121234.webm (1028687, 406x720, 1673467842945941.webm)
Public peon sisters.........
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1686171775712855.jpg (471456, 750x563, 1_16a08115c63.1594503_3745167815_16a08115c63_large.jpg)

Oh look, another white pride world wide incel warrior. How many niggers have you said that to today? Did you knock any out? How many pure blooded white children did you produce since waking up? Oh, none? You've just been at home playing CS:GO and getting banned from pubs for screaming "1488"? Do you know where your sister is? Did you get a DNA test? Wouldn't want to find out you're actually not a trailer trash hillbilly white pride warrior.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1686172588147849.jpg (151022, 1004x1080, 1685848779514436.jpg)
sieg heil
i'm a nurse because i love my folk and nation, i'm equipped with real life skills for the fight to erase the subhuman marxist scum off my land
Warn n/a /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
>/n/ - fee fees about cars
Warn n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1685069052935511.png (455434, 976x850, 1685035555876197.png)
Hello, could someone tell me what the difference between >>>/o/ and >>>/n/ is?
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1682990310832150.png (1527639, 2289x1701, 1574742683565.png)
Metro systems actually exist in the afterlife too since NDEs are real and prove that there is an afterlife and that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die.

Here is a very persuasive argument for why NDEs are real:

It emphasizes that NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:

>"Among those with the deepest experiences 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. When you dream and wake up, you instantly realize that life is more real than your dreams. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep dream and the NDE world is the undeniably real world by comparison.

Or as one person quoted in pic related summarized their NDE:

>"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved."

Needless to say, even ultraskeptical neuroscientists are convinced by really deep NDEs.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
File: 1682994386975262.png (1610710, 1054x640, We gotta get to the gulch.png)
I dont get it
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
"the whole mental health awareness trend" is counter to itself and has always been
like how they keep insisting "gender dysphoria" isn't a mental illness yet it still requires pills and surgery
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
nope this is the most LARPers filled board on this godforsaken website
Ban 3 days Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
lol youre a faggot whos gonna get run over one day
Warn n/a /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
>socialist /n/iggerbrain can't comprehend freedom
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1678586884452294.jpg (132797, 1300x1053, thurgood-marshall-the-chief-counsel-for-the-naacp-with-rosa-parks-BTK3TF[1].jpg)
pictured here, the man who singlehandedly created the suburbs in the USA and the woman responsible for killing public transit and creating car dependent cities
These two are the reason the USA isn't like the neatherlands
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1678515401494209.jpg (399188, 1600x1067, fuckyou.jpg)
I despise large vehicles, in part because of the actions of their owners. They're inherently more dangerous for me in my sedan. They make it impossible to see around when I'm trying to turn, or pull out of a parking space. They're loud, polluting, and useless. (I exclude small sized, 1990s style pickup trucks and that sort of thing - things that have actual utility, reasonably designed sightlines, etc).

Additionally, many of these vehicles seem to be driven by arrogant, rude, or otherwise unpleasant people. "Not all of us!" Maybe they're not all outwardly shitheads. But even if some are them aren't outwardly arrogant/aggressive, they still chose a needlessly large vehicle that endangers me and pollutes my environment. As such, I consider them to be unpleasant. Fuck 'em.

As such, in an act of symbolic protest, I always slow down when one is behind me. I do not move out of their way. I do not put myself in additional danger by cutting them off or doing anything outwardly aggressive, but from my perspective I do not want to encourage the behavior of buying these vehicles, so I want to make them less pleasant to drive around me. Does it solve anything? No. Does it needlessly make some other person's life slightly more annoying? Yes. Does that make me a bad person? Yes, but being a good person is less fun and wasnt changing anything anyway.

If you're reading this and you drive one of these giant monstrosities, consider this a personal insult. Fuck you, suck my BWC, and get off the fucking road.

This post is not related to the NJB video, this has been simmering in my for quite some time and I just had a very minor annoyance on the road involving one of these vehicles and I need to get it out.
Warn n/a /n/ 2 - Automotive
File: 1678315128356925.png (764287, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20221227-120714~2.png)
Move or he moves you, faggot, lol
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1678277475292391.jpg (53051, 630x507, citylife.jpg)
You will do nothing because you're an impotent /n/igger
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1678047960683178.jpg (8075, 224x224, images(3).jpg)
Bro I told you where I live and that I'm a naxi. Are you going to punch me or what you faggot pussy ass bitch.
Ban 1 day /n/ 1 - Off-Topic, Transportation Only
38 people were dying a day from covid and greeks didn't give a shit. Why is this a big deal?
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