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File: 1720968910003352.png (560134, 659x946, chrome_2023-07-01_19-44-07.png)
books for this feel
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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to hell with you cunts
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720912846062182.jpg (267401, 2048x1365, 20240713_125511.jpg)
Get the fuck back to mexico you brown beaner THIS IS AMERICA
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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What books would you recommend about Divine Providence?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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rsbookclub is unironically better than this place nowadays.
Ban 3 days Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
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Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Is there a book similar to brave new world but with feminism, troons and really old rich families controlling everything? If there isn`t, I`ll write it, /lit/.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Do women actually care if you are a guy and cheat? doesnt that mean you are desirable to other women.

Any books on this topic?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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what does /lit/ think about Mrgirl?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Books that explain this phenomena?
Warn n/a Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
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Books akin to this?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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If author doesn't capitalize Jew, can I just assume that he's a weirdo antisemitist who thinks the holocaust didn't happen but should have?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Things will never get better. Instead they will get worse and worse as life slowly passes us by.

It's over
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
I usually watch bbc sissy hypno, while playing a vaush stream in the background. Really puts my life in perspective.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720568931984817.png (8216, 288x220, Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 05.17.10.png)
'm a second-year uni student reading for English. I'm in desperate need of help with a research assignment. I can't seem to figure out how to come up with research questions for this assignment.

We must make a film adaptation of a short story to research issues like adaptation and cinematic narrative. The short story I've chosen is about a beggar girl who ends up in prostitution when she is offered a large sum of money on a day she didn't get any money. She decides to remain in that profession even by the end of the story as she now has a child and wishes to provide a better future for the child through the money she makes in prostitution.

Since the story deals with both adaptation and gaze to a large extent, I thought it would be relevant to base my research questions on adaptation and male gaze.

Issue is, I can't figure out how to combine adaptation and male gaze into the story to come up with a specific yet answerable research question. Please! If you have any advice on how I may go about it, let me know.

Thank you in advance!
Ban 1 day Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
File: 1720569572343550.jpg (39948, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)
>I'm not a racist my statements were just manipulated, I worked closely with the Mossad, various secret societies have reached out to me, I was offered funding for playing a role in a coup in Venezuela, British intelligence is gang stalking me and are the ones organizing nazis

Is he just insane?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720530283942860.jpg (118180, 1020x665, 1720494648498493.jpg)
What are some books on how to build up nations?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720540209286805.png (644490, 1128x3231, Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 11-17-21 Ethics vs. Morals – What's The Difference
This is a fundamentally /lit/-approved thread to raise awareness of matters relevant to meaningful discourse, both here on the /lit/erature board & elsewhere....

>if this thread gets pruned or deleted, then this poster will screencap it as further evidence of the engineered stupefication of the public at large in the pursuit of frankly evil agendas

Too many unwitting fools & bad actors wrongfully believe these two terms to be entirely synonymous; however, this is because they (intentionally) fail to grasp (or express) the critical distinctions separating Morals & Ethics.

Lots of conversations around here are (intentionally) confused by this misapplication of terms; for example: atheists condemning God because God's morals are incompatible with "society's morals" -- but society has no morality whatsoever, and, instead, has ethics.

A moral person does not acquiesce to an immoral society's ethics, neither does HE* tolerate nor participate in said society's evils... unless his morality is temporarily contravened or adapted to the extant particulars of his operational environs out of a pragmatic desire to survive & prosper in sufficient safety to actually pursue his own moral endeavors.

A man of character & morals who recognizes the real danger of immoral ethics in society should be warned not to "rock the boat" for fear of immoral punishment, but applauded if he tries, and lauded as a hero if he manages to "capsize" it, because the "boat" (and all working to keep it aright) are immoral, as are their ethics.

This is not a call to violence or any other behavior contrary to the precepts of a free society; this is merely to illustrate the difference between MORALS & ETHICS.

>*: only certain men of character are capable of true morality; men of poor character and all but the rarest of women are incapable of true morality, instead simply "playing by society's rules" (ethics) like the children they are, anxious to avoid punishment (but gleefully accusing the other children of unethical behavior in a schadenfreudian desire to know that all of the "bad children" get punished by the same punishment they fear)
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
You should be beating shitskins in the streets at every opportunity. How's that for middle ground, sir?
Warn n/a Global 3 - Racism
Oh look another shitskinned beta incel LMAO

Muslims are one step above pajeet-tier, you delusional 3rd world faggot.
Warn n/a Global 3 - Racism
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There seems to be some growing popularity in paganism online apparently.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
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Why is /lit/ so sexist? Even compared to other boards.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Why is there so much interest for this philosophy?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Good poetry = Good music.
It's a fantastic time to be alive, boys.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720291093723159.png (111874, 432x221, 169.png)
>Bronze Age Pervert
>Raw Egg Nationalist
>Zero HP Lovecraft
>Nick Land
>Mencius Moldbug
>Aimee Terese
>Mike Ma
>Delicious Tacos
>Steve Sailer
>Anna Khachiyan
>Fisted by Foucault
>Jay Dyer
>Keith Woods
The right is in a intellectual renaissance at the moment. The above-mentioned figures are basically the 21st century equivalent of Spengler, Heidegger, Evola, Hunger, Schmitt, etc. Soon our ideas will invade the collective consciousness and we will see real change in our lifetime.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720184016596295.jpg (29764, 532x612, yikes.jpg)
>Why can't you read normal English of French books?
>(omg what an incel freak)
Your response?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720155429303521.jpg (44644, 620x400, islamization-of-europe-620x400.jpg)
What are some books that explore why second world atheistic/secularist European shit holes are turning Muslim?

Not from European authors, of course, since they'll just get arrested for having "illegal opinions" or "causing offense" and wouldn't dare offend the Islamists who gang rape their kids for fear of violence and stabbing sprees. Nothing those Eurotrash LGBTpedo socialists write is of any importance, their grandkids will all be Muslim anyway and a bunch of them are just converting to Pisslam anyway.

So what are some books and who are some authors who explore why secular second world shit holes are turning Muslim?
Ban 1 day Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
File: 1720152877823873.jpg (575649, 1614x2123, and yet mutt cuckservatives will defend the last.jpg)
Mostly this.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Famous author F Gardner marched in a pro Palestine rally today
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Everybody is calling the jew a jew except for two or three gaymen lol.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Why do we have so many boring trolls larping as christnuts for ragebaited (you) s?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Yes you can..
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
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Are modern leftist theorists basically apologists for the lumpenproletariat? They will defend any crime, no matter how reprehensible, as long as it's committed by the "wretched of the earth" and they will die on that hill just to own le ebin neolibs.They glorify and justify spontaneous outbursts of violence which serve no political purpose whatsoever and at the same time completely fail at organizing a cohesive anti-capitalist movement thus passing Marxist test for being lumpen. Being on the capitalist state's payroll (if they have a tenure at a public university) they also have no direct relation to production and no class consciousness of their own and neither do the permanently unemployed blacks that they defend
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1720038445119967.jpg (296917, 1200x1634, the-holy-bible-king-james-version-kjv-best-for-kobo.jpg)
Why is /lit/ so anti-protestant but the puritan translated kjv is considered the best bible translation? Also what does /lit/ think about Byzantine vs Alexandrian manuscripts?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>So since you saw no form of any kind on the day the LORD spoke to you out of the fire at Horeb, be careful that you do not act corruptly and make an idol for yourselves of any form or shape, whether in the likeness of a male or female

Your thoughts, /lit/? Jesus is, literally, the image of a man. The entire point of the Jesus story is that he is simultaneously God, AND man. Read the above verse. Then, read it again.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Is he right?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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How many people on /lit have autism?

That test will easily find out. I got a 32 :(

Books for dealing with this result?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Kikes are better than sand niggers
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1719970717342838.jpg (1660824, 2798x2058, Jews pedos graph.jpg)
Strawman argument. I never said Musk was the bigger problem, what I did say is that Musk contracts an Israeli company to hoard the personal identification documents of his users and that he is not against censorship (he peddles the bullshit about freedom of speech not being freedom of reach). Both are facts.
Try not to rape too many kids today, low IQ pedophile/jew. Try posting this on twatter and see how fast his ADL compliant censorship team will nuke your account:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Asian-Americans suffer from a triple inferiority complex:
>their traditional cultures viewed westerners as primitive barbarians while the west skyrocketed in military, economic and social advancement so that even the most backwards, primitive and feudal western power (Russia) was able to curbstomp the Chinese and get massive concessions from them
>the westernizing currents in Asian cultures get curbstomped AGAIN in WWII when the nationalist Chinese get rekt by the Japs, who in turn get their shit pushed in by the USA
>the only Asian countries to successfully develop and maintain some kind of cultural hegemony are communist, and Asian-Americans are ideologically the most die-hard anti-communists
>Asians overperform over even whites, in the very societies that eviscerated traditional Asian states and cultures. They are proud of their achievements but feel ashamed at being culturally assimilated by the nations responsible for making sure that their own countries never became global hegemons
>The only country they CAN be proud of for being an Asian superpower is ideologically irreconcilable with both their personal beliefs, and their positions in western states.
They despise westerners while simultaneously craving to be westerners, both because they're anti-chicom and because the west demonstrated itself to be materially superior to their own cultures. As a result, they express their hatred of the west in incredibly superficial ways while desiring to become fully western and breed with the Aryan overlords who forced their ancestors to smoke opium or fried their great grandpa with a flamethrower on Iwo Jima
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719910291040188.jpg (133086, 1064x994, GRbEkdEXUAAzkBU.jpg)
AI is going to enable EVERYONE to enjoy great books and that's a good thing.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
Because of Rotherham.
Genuinely, I probably would have been a shitlib goodboy “we’re all humans” “can’t we all just get along” anti-racist if Rotherham never occurred. That shit radicalized me and there are more Rotherhams in other towns and other countries. It woke me up to two realities:
1. Brown people are subhuman
2. White liberals will defend brown people no matter what they do
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Finally you can maximize your reading potential.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Not that I have a bone in the argument, but you're 100% right. Kosher WN is just a front to turn every country into a global Palestine, and its obvious the elites would love some kind of war to kill of extra population, if they can promote it as a race war they absolutely will.

I for one like diversity. The fact that airplanes and mass transit exists isnt going to change, so we may as well accept that we live in a world where people can move far far away from home and start a new life in a new country. The alternative is a global serfdom where youre forever beholden to whatever state happens to occupy the land you were born in.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719872610080383.jpg (116255, 1024x1024, 7E156764-CF5C-473A-91B3-83D00E2F7DF4.jpg)
What are some books that reconcile the perceived contradiction between Christianity and total nigger/kike death?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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What is fear? First: fear is always around some desire. You want to become a famous man, the most famous man in the world - then there is fear. What if you cannot make it? - fear comes. Now fear comes as a by-product of desire: you want to become the richest man in the world. What if you don't succeed? You start trembling; fear comes. You possess a woman: you are afraid that tomorrow you may not be able to possess, she may go to somebody else. She is still alive, she can go. Only dead women won't go; she is still alive. You can possess only a corpse - then there is no fear, the corpse will be there. You can possess furniture, then there is no fear. But when you try to possess a human being fear comes. Who knows, yesterday she was not yours, today she is yours. Who knows - tomorrow she will be somebody else's. Fear arises. Fear is arising out of the desire to possess, it is a by-product; because you want to possess, hence the fear. If you don't want to possess, then there is no fear. If you don't have the desire that you would like to be this and that in the future, then there is no fear. If you don't want to go to heaven then there is no fear, then the priest cannot make you afraid. If you don't want to go anywhere then nobody can make you afraid.

If you start living in the moment, fear disappears. Fear comes through desire. So basically, desire creates fear.

Look into it. Whenever there is fear, see from where it is coming - what desire is creating it - and then see the futility of it. How can you possess a woman or a man? It is such a silly, stupid idea. Only things can be possessed, not persons.

A person is a freedom. A person is beautiful because of freedom. The bird is beautiful on the wing in the sky: you encage it - it is no longer the same bird, remember. It looks like it, but it is no longer the same bird. Where is the sky? Where is the sun? Where are those winds? Where are those clouds? Where is that freedom on the wing? All have disappeared. This is not the same bird.

You love a woman because she is a freedom. Then you encage her: then you go to the law court and you get married, and you make a beautiful, maybe a golden, cage around her, studded with diamonds, but she is no longer the same woman. And now fear comes. You are afraid, afraid because the woman may not like this cage. She may hanker for freedom again. And freedom is an ultimate value, one cannot drop it.

Man consists of freedom, consciousness consists of freedom. So sooner or later the woman will start feeling bored, fed up. She will start looking for somebody else. You are afraid. Your fear is coming because you want to possess - but why in the first place do you want to possess? Be nonpossessive, and then there is no fear. And when there is no fear, much of your energy that gets involved, caught up, locked up in fear, is available, and that energy can become your creativity. It can become a dance, a celebration.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719763868345877.jpg (166052, 1914x1277, 2024-05-30T214751Z_1835272619_RC2518AU1OXD_RTRMADP_3_USA-TRUMP-NEW-YORK.jpg)
On the Felony Conviction of the Former President by Daniel Stewart-Allen

Sigh! Who was once a boasted troll
Is numbered now among the coal
Black felons of the eastern shores
Where dire Atlantis solemn roars.
The memory of 2016
Can never be erased from history:
From liberal celebrities
To leftist univerisities:
They cried, they screached, they bate their breasts,
And moaned that TRUMP should be the best.
Fair name that ever gripped my heart!
Sad thought that now thou shalt depart
To dreaded Rikers Island Jail,
Though towards thee all inmates should hail.
The hoary imp that BRANDON hight—
Cheater within th'electoral fight—
The poll-compelling D.N.C.
Hath reselected for to be
The U.S.A.'s authority.
Ye magapedes! let not this hour
Be anyone's except for ours.
Vote! Vote as much and more than they.
Vote! Let ours be th'election day.

Sigh! Who was once a boasted troll
Is numbered now among the coal
Black felons of the eastern shores
Where dire Atlantis solemn roars.
The memory of 2016
Can never be erased from history:
From liberal celebrities
To leftist univerisities:
They cried, they screached, they bate their breasts,
And moaned that TRUMP should be the best.
Fair name that ever gripped my heart!
Sad thought that now thou shalt depart
To dreaded Rikers Island Jail,
Though towards thee all inmates should hail.
The hoary imp that BRANDON hight—
Cheater within th'electoral fight—
The poll-compelling D.N.C.
Hath reselected for to be
The U.S.A.'s authority.
Ye magapedes! let not this hour
Be anyone's except for ours.
Vote! Vote as much and more than they.
Vote! Let ours be th'election day.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719669554108449.jpg (364094, 750x1006, 795191F7-2878-44A1-ABDF-254B1A8F0260.jpg)
Is he /ourguy/
Discuss Waldun and related youtube channels
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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why can't i be sincere?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>human rights are achtually BAD and INHUMANE >>:((
Do Marxists really??
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719790915372431.jpg (245185, 1200x1799, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg)
unironically, clean your room
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Are there places that capture your imagination for reasons unknown to you? For example, I'm completely obsessed by Ireland and Scotland despite me not living there. I just feel an attraction to it.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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They seem very similar. Just different definitions of capitalism and one has an obsession with identity politics.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
nigger sneed. nigger sneed? nigger sneed!
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1719562484298750.jpg (21898, 705x435, 1717063463288811.jpg)
All the things you never did
All the words you never said
All the feelings you never had
All the dreams you never lived out

Where did it all go so wrong for us?
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
Anti-Trump niggers (Fuentards) are porn sick freaks, don't try and project your fetishes pal!
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1719428529139493.jpg (288820, 686x1153, tropicofcancer.jpg)
What am I in for?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>You will NOT enjoy things because 6 million jews were mercilessly slaughtered in cold blood like cattle even though there have been countless massacres throughout history which the holocaust pales in comparison to and even though actual cattle are slaughtered industrially all over the world in the millions daily to feed my appetite!
Why was he so self-centered?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1719397061348622.png (1878059, 1920x1080, Screenshot (172).png)
Why do normies consider fairly average books to be difficult? I can understand something like Ulysses and Infinite Jest... but Moby-Dick, The Count of Monte Christo, Blood Meridian, A Little Life?
Has YA fiction and social media and adult cartoons really affected the brain development of so many grown adults that they struggle to read a fairly conventional piece of classic literature?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719345271904773.gif (11060, 220x168, pepe-angry.gif)
>in English you use "a" before words that start with consonants and "an" before words that start with vowels
>"u" is a vowel
>write "an universal" in my philosophy paper several times
>professor tells me to please check my grammar and circles multiple instances
I hate your stupid language and it's ridiculous "rules."
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Please GOD where the fuck is it so I can move
I have stopped going outside because there are so many stinking fucking goddamn niggers with all their government-funded litters of walking shit nuggets in tow I fucking hate them so fucking much
I fucking hate how loud and dirty they are god fucking damnit niggers
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
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Alexander Theroux
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>Oh yeah? And what came before the big bang?
Your response? Without sounding mad
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719169157912667.jpg (571246, 1000x667, Cross.jpg)
Is Jesus God or the son of God?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
she looks like my bpd ex.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1719134555339690.jpg (431598, 1080x1281, Screenshot_20240623_052115_Brave.jpg)
why do leftists always side with the establishment and always sound like they're half-knowledged on any given subject?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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It's by the based writer of The Tartar Steppe.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Do you value the conqueror, or the victim
Do you turn the other cheek?
Pride or Shame?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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How do I so thoroughly drown myself in my hobbies like reading that I just forget about being an incel and the sorrows associated with it?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
>He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him.

1. Capitalism as an idea is specifically post-industrialist world. In antiquity, they weren’t capitalists but mercantilists.

2. Jesus said you should render unto Caesar what is Caesars. Ie Pay taxes and money to the government and don’t fight back from the established order. In that regard, he was Uber cucked.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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He's based as fuck. Tolkien was a kike worshipping tranny slurped nigger cock for breakfast.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
Interacting with niggers is a clear sigh of stupidity, actually fucking one is closer to zoophilia. You wouldn't want a woman who has debased herself by letting an animal mount her, right? It's the same.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
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4chan's metrics are declining in general, why do you think they got rid of IP counters? Most of the threads and posts nowadays are schizos spamming the same thing over and over. 4chan has no relevance any more, in large part because of the election tourists who've destroyed the site's culture over the past decade. We have no influence, no creativity, no humor. We are destined to rot away until the server costs finally outweigh the generated ad revenue and hiro pulls the plug. The sooner the better, quite frankly.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
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What do TSA employees read?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Nietzsche's Master vs Slave mentality is brilliant,
What dawned on me was how people who are predisposed to slave mentality will eventually adopt ALL the values of what Nietzsche wrote about slaves. They can't help it, it's psychological. And if they follow the slave morality, then they will eventually idolize the Ascetic Ideal.

>Why are trannies so worshipped?
>Why are the rights of children and women being trampled on to prop up such bizarre people?
It's because they embody the Ascetic's Ideal.
Slaves idolize the martyr, the victim, the persecuted.
A Tranny is 3 things, a mutilated, a mentally ill, a homosexual, and a eunuch. With these qualities, a tranny is like a liberal progressive Rabbi, an automatic saint. These trannies are more ascetic than Buddhist monks or any saint that abstained from sex!

This is why otherwise rational people are becoming entranced by this transgender agenda. They can't help it, because they idolize the Ascetic Ideal. And Transgender Children are like sacred idols.
This isn't some weird ritual, it's human psychology. A Slave cannot help themselves. This is why Trannies are bending the rules for themselves at the expense of others.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Every day I wake up with eyes that barely open and I ask myself "why, just why". I tick all the boxes of a healthy lifestyle, but I feel like shit because I can't deal with the pointlessness of life, and the fact that I am a slave to the corporate world.

Can you recommend me some light readings that might help me? I haven't read books in a long time, so don't just dump a 1000-page dissertation in Middle English.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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What’s going on with F Gardner?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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F Gardner predicting the Jew Tunnels with Kabbalah of the Crocodile. The plot even ends with a news team and cops showing up at the synagogue and it getting on international news. He memed it into real life. It’s the exact plot of his book
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
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It’s a much deeper game with much more possibilities. Everything Japan makes is better than its western counterpart, even literature, western literature can’t hold a candle to Japanese literature, both classical and modern.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Any books to prepare me for the inevitable reality of WW3 in the next 5-10 years?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Are R. F. Kuang's novels worth reading?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Movies about the divine feminine?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Thinking that the Church has gone astray or that you need to be part of a movement to reform it is a Protestant mentality. This is why 99% of tradcaths are converts or reverts. The standard Catholic mentality is to do what the priest/bishop says. Breathe a sigh of relief that none of this is your responsibility and go to mass in the vernacular like a normal person. Inb4 "muh reverence". I've been to a couple of Latin masses, the priest is just mumbling through it all like a magic spell. They reformed it for a reason. Also like most Catholics I cannot afford a suit. Francis was right, and most trads are basically pharisees.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>Search "my IQ is", "IQ score", "IQ test" etc. in archives
>Like 95% of people say it's above 145
Either this place is a MENSA hangout or you are a bunch of liars.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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>early 30s
>ugly beta charismaless nerdy looking male
>no friends or social experiences since school
>no female attention ever
>done nothing with women ever, apart from prostitutes
>friendless loserdom continued all through university and multiple jobs (part time jobs during university and office jobs afterwards)
>become the ugly loser nobody talks to within a few days of starting all jobs
>living in London or other cities changed nothing
>just "going outside bro" changed nothing
>lifting weights for years changed nothing
>passing university, getting an ok paying job changed nothing
>current status: have a job, youth has gone, zero social life
>r9kpilled in 2012 during university
>Stirnerpilled in 2013
>incel blackpilled in 2014
>now even normies have caught up with blackpill logic
>not stupid or oversocialised enough to believe in any religions, philosophies, ideologies, heuristics, habits, customs, esoterica, spiritual beliefs, dogmas, historical patterns, metaphysics, superstitions, social conformisms, groupthink, extrapolations, deductions (apart from on the page), forms, the supernatural or occult, aphorisms, nationalisms, ethics, probabilities, media slogans, memes, social panics, manias, purity spirals, dogpiles, zeitgeists
>totally unspooked individual

Welp, that's life. Teen years gone. Twenties gone. Nothing happened.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Kek Do Christcucks really?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
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Why is it so intertwined?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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science bros...
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
He is wrong for posting on twitter and so are you and I did not read that
Warn n/a Global 7 - Announcing Sage
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Has anyone figured out why there are so many Christians who are hypocrites to their religion and are just plain evil? I'm, of course, not talking about all Christians more like Christian Fascist, Westboro Baptist Church, most conservative/alt-right X accounts, or just the ignorant. Just by what they say verbally and how gravitated they're shouting their beliefs, they're more horrific than Hindu extremist and Buddhist Supermacist.

Is there a book or a study on this phenomenon? This problem is only getting worse and worse each day
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Why do leftists always make terrible art?

Seems like the best writers are relatively apolitical atheists with a non committal ironic attachment to the world of politics.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
worst thread on the board right now
jannies do your fucking job for once in your life
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Shut the fuck up chang go kill yourself and die
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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How do I make money without a normal office cuck job? I’ve estimated that would be a reliable $4k a month.

Is crypto the best option? Normal Wall Street stocks? Real estate? Any other suggestions?

What finance lit would you recommend?

Pic related as it’s the famous real estate investor Sydney Sweeney.
Ban 1 day Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
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>Creates a church that eventually becomes as corrupt and money grubbing as the Pharisees
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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