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File: 1724929278399478.png (773450, 998x1000, 1720831435045133.png)
There are so much in life you can engage and be in love with: literature, philosopy, art, music, dance, theater, cinema, lifting and so on. The list is infinite. But the regular low iq chose PRECISELY engage on politics. God, I hate SO MUCH troons and chuds. You fucking piece of shit sub human retards. My angry is more than real than you shit beliefs, believe me. Go live you fucking miserable life and try to be happy at a minimal level far away from those shit that only retards like you care about.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
>Incel thinks he has a wife and kids
Absolutely delusional. Stop posting here, you aren't welcome
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724838024148293.jpg (341131, 1280x1644, IMG_4641.jpg)
The Christo-Platonic tradition is characterized by the worship of Being, wheras the Jeetish tradition is characterized by the worship of Becoming. I think the fruits of such difference in philosophy are clearly evident.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724821197360869.png (347552, 1034x1607, lit can't read.png)
>make high-effort post
>quote ton of passages from over a dozen books
>post a separate book in the OP pic
>/lit/ spergs out and cries about it, gets no other replies, dies

>make off topic /adv/ or blogposting thread
>spam avatarfagging blasphemous false images of Christ
>gets to bump limit

This board was better when it had more Bible-believing Christians. You guys don't even talk about any books. You're just a bunch of effeminate men who want to blogpost with all the whore women on this board.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724796150182751.jpg (343455, 1400x898, 1_xPudL6mZ57uL5KrDINh-UA.jpg)
Favorite literary books, essays, poems about circumcision?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
1. Take a revolver
2. Load one bullet into the chamber
3. Pull your pants down
4. Place one hand on your penis
5. Raise the gun to your head
6. Pull the trigger while stroking your willy over and over again
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724797363167160.png (138395, 1022x776, 38c.png)
What are the best books which argue that Shartmericans are the biggest subhumans on this planet and their Satanic country founded by Freemasons and mutted by niggers and ruled by kikensteins is a negative influence on the world and ought to be destroyed in the interest of securing world peace?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724776792477712.png (139729, 1000x1000, 1700110562432015.png)
What are some books about the shattering of youth's carefree narcissism? We've all been there.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724699402388079.jpg (446056, 828x1021, IMG_2020.jpg)
That’s alll
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724542191417449.png (4099780, 1146x1800, sousou no frieren volume 12.png)
>surpassed Tolkien
>surpassed George R.R. Martin
So... how did it do it? What in the Western canon can compare?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724481005886905.jpg (49769, 340x383, Joseph_Smith_daguerreotype.jpg)
If you do not accept Joseph Smith as a Prophet of God and Christ, you will be damned.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724188796243561.png (9435, 500x555, 1711953378456541.png)
>many a person
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
File: 1724459376541029.jpg (194107, 750x785, IMG_3659.jpg)
F Gardner went on Know More News for two fucking hours today
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724261612354785.jpg (47015, 564x573, 180edcdeb14ddd54347789b8cf52b985.jpg)
What are some good arguments about capitalism and against socialism/Marxism?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724266664580097.jpg (68884, 720x1083, 1657881375615.jpg)
Literature with mommy issues themes for me to read+coom to?
I don't need life advice

last thread got deleted so I'm trying again
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724245296838555.jpg (1401182, 690x864, ravenna.jpg)

Whites must return back to Wotan, Zeus, Shiva, Perun, Freya
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
So when my first is crashing into your stupid, twerp face, don't you grasp that it will be crashing you, and you will be being crashed, at the same time? If I set your house on fire do you not understand that the flames will burn, and the house will be being burnt, simultaneously? If I fuck you in the ass, can you grasp, can you conceive, can you fit it into your mind, that I will be fucking you, and you will be being fucked, at the same time?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724033873663455.jpg (79707, 512x768, 884da653c0c959dab731e3f1dd016835.jpg)
If a person is good for the sake of God and religion, are they really a good person?

if there is an element of reward, whether physical or spiritual, whether in life or afterlife. Is this really considered good? Shouldn’t a measure of a good person be they’d do it whether there was a reward from God, the universe or not?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724094617872126.jpg (322492, 1074x1517, 7524173-religious_(11).jpg)
poster is a total faggot and scum and your photo is cringe and lack any meaning
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724074174481819.jpg (101046, 564x1002, 1902cd2f445f778fdfb79b0b89dbdd72.jpg)
best book about how to sway women easily
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724006773246849.png (231462, 234x373, 41461786.png)
Has anyone actually read this?
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
File: 1723938426003940.jpg (108919, 564x776, 8e030fbb835447eaa8e15173dfec3df3.jpg)
What do you think about the human body anon?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1724036698333103.jpg (447653, 707x1000, 1723962311535163.jpg)
How much can you get away with writing sensual scenes like describing the beauty of a woman's naked body in a scene without it being viewed as being "le male gaze", "perverted" "pornographic" or just erotica in general.

Picrel, like I could go off and write a long passage on this pic for example but prude ass people would see it as being porn.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724007035947977.png (131781, 493x498, rope-anime-girl.png)
What are Christian arguments in support of homosexuality or against anti-homosexuality?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723896063438849.webm (2465653, 1360x1078, 1723766911322367.webm)
Books for this feel?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1723814377576216.jpg (91894, 602x480, 49659.jpg)
Joseph Smith is not only the greatest writer but the greatest man of American history. When did /lit/ decide to take the Mormon pill?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
God isn't real grow up
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1723658539324501.png (45522, 460x255, 460px-Pascal's_Wager_Diagram.png)
Books on this?
Something that expands outside of religion would be nice too.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723647617534931.png (618482, 750x771, BURDENMAXXERS.png)

Start stealing and become a burden on society. First thing you should do is quit your worthless wagie job. Don't bother applying for benefits, welfare or any other government assistance unless you really can't help yourself. I personally prefer to also GHOSTMAXX, no properties in my name, no hand outs, no benefits, no taxes, just living in the shadows of society and outside of the system as much as I can, but I digress. Simply take everything you need from big corporations, resell it and enjoy life. Hit their jew warehouses and megastores and become an honest reseller. Make sure to post about it and encourage more people to become burdens like you. Once enough people do this, their system collapses. Also always remember how over half the population got vaxxed and sided with the government? make them pay and enjoy it too. This is how you get back at the jews, the governments, the corporations, the normie cattle and everybody else who wronged you.

There is nothing more that jews and their wagie cattle fear than you anon getting ahead in life, never forget that.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
I was banned recently for complaining about the blacks in wwoym. Now my ban is up. But I am full of complaints again. How can you stifle me like this, jannies?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
How come I get banned for 'pretending to be frank gardner' after one post and yet this AI spammer has posted like 15 messages without being banned?
There's definitely a janny with a hard-on for Frank
Warn n/a Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
Vote for Trump? Are you kidding me? This isn’t some schoolyard game of Truth or Dare, and it sure as hell isn’t funny. We’re talking about the future of this country, not some casual joke. Voting for Trump is like handing the keys of a nuclear reactor to a toddler—irresponsible, dangerous, and downright reckless.

Now, let me get on my soapbox for a minute. If you want to talk about who’s really fit to lead this country, look no further than Kamala Harris. I’ve supported her from the get-go because she represents the kind of leadership we need—smart, compassionate, and tough as nails. She’s got the backbone to stand up for what’s right, and she’s not afraid to take on the big fights.

You know, back in *The Dead Zone*, I wrote about a man who saw the terrifying potential of a dangerous leader and tried to stop him before it was too late. Well, here we are, living in a world where we’ve seen what happens when we let a demagogue run wild. I wish things had played out differently, like in the book, but we’re still here, and the fight isn’t over.

This election isn’t just about politics—it’s about the soul of this nation. It’s about standing up against hatred, ignorance, and the kind of divisive rhetoric that’s tearing us apart. We need to come together, stand strong, and make the right choice. So, let’s not play games here. This is serious, folks. Dead serious.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723493293887296.jpg (59301, 976x850, 1723492481736590.jpg)
When did people stop saying hanged instead of hung.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723472454830968.jpg (201248, 665x1000, Zero ill intentions.jpg)
Books on how to build a cult of personality?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723428286053823.jpg (7623, 241x209, pepedownload.jpg)
define "you"
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723416182442194.jpg (102168, 512x299, IMG_3146.jpg)
Gentlemen I’ve been chronicling F Gardner lately. He is making /lit/ history ever since his podcast tour and I’m compiling a list. If there are more shows F Gardner has been on please post them. Expect a possible documentary on F Gardner
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723351900425775.jpg (16692, 452x678, images.jpg)
As a zoomer, I naturally an information junkie. Thousands of hours of YouTube, social media, porn and IBs had its toll (including the tendency of wanting to debate all the time, something I'm always doing hypothetically). I now know I need true loneliness (being with my thoughts only, with nothing to read or listen to) in order to grow closer to God or acquire character, but that I'm simply incapable of doing so for long.

My question is: supposing there are people here who can actually spend more time reading than browsing 4chan, will substituting all online content for books and/or music cure me? I'm miserable and want to change.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
>from the perspective of [...]
>Other from the perspective of [...]
>retells the legend [...]
> Invented so many new words (kek)
>was the equivalent of [insert generic british author]
>is widely translated [in Hyderabad or Goa]

dude, we all thougth chinks were copy cats but you pajeets copy even more.
>what a story about some african shamans in india? baghavad what? i dont care. time to rewrite it with newly invented words. i should also add a passage where I blame muslims for rape or shitting on streets, that will show them!
nobel prize incoming, saar, jai hind!!!!

Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1723281033145120.jpg (23178, 500x750, nickland.jpg)
Is hyperracism the only way to save us from modernity? Should we talk about Peter Thiel? What about Moldbug and Nick Land? These white "super racists" cast aside human sentimentality in favor of pure objectivity, and the result was that Jews and East Asians were superior. As a result, more Ashkenazi and Han genes will be transmitted to the West, raising average IQ. This is the only way forward. The white man, the arrogant but useless savage, will be abandoned. Corporatist neofeudal hyperracism. This is true machinic supremacy, not white monkey supremacy. It has to do with capacities, not with the given.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723087181067838.jpg (341153, 1080x1146, poorme.jpg)
>tfw big brained enough for classical languages and literature but not high IQ enough for math and physics
How do I remedy this? I've been getting filtered by math for nearly two years now.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723091941145458.jpg (10421, 296x445, 31v6mLlxbKL._SY445_SX342_.jpg)
Any books on dealing with the recent influx of redditor christcucks?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723236862522186.webm (1937492, 608x1080, 1655140377672.webm)
What are some books about female behaviour?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
Now how will people know that F. Gardner was born in this board?
Warn n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
File: 1723072683792487.png (176620, 907x558, file.png)
i watched a youtube video that mentioned some californian episcopal church was infiltrated by libertarians and their pastor literally declared he was an atheist who didnt care about God but about "combating socialism", is this real?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722673679541024.jpg (12040, 220x178, download.jpg)
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1723026500887133.jpg (227479, 1485x1802, 6547454321361.jpg)
Will homoconservatism save the West?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722954021252200.jpg (602386, 1879x2294, ty676667i675435hrd7667576.jpg)
are these things really worth it or an elaborate waste of money? I've heard big corpo execs need PhDs but they are mostly totally useless and worthless anywhere else. I'm talking about lit shit and the humanities here. I'm guessing STEMfags have no issues with employment. I know there used to be a couple PhDs here. So, assuming you haven't been driven off the site by the mass amounts evil evil hateful pedo nazis, was it actually useful/worth it? Was it just a gigantic waste of money and time?

I got pretty good grades and my professor is trying to rope into a PhD at the grad school he also teaches at. I'm convinced its a grift and he's trying to rape me financially. I have no prospects besides beinga NEET anyway but I'd rather not be a debt slave too.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722944182856996.jpg (107658, 900x900, 1722900513934056.jpg)
Thoughts on Cosmic Skeptic?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722985055582463.jpg (74946, 1500x1241, crow1.jpg)
Please rate my two jokes:.

"Two fags walk into a gay crowbar."


A philosophy major shot up his university. When he woke up that morning, his first thought was, "I think. Therefore you're not."
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
> Funny how "facts" are just shit you make up without any actual correspondence to reality in this day and age
It's a fact that the coolest kid in school is whoever belongs to the most successful family.
This is not an argument for feudalism, it proofs the underlying social truth in feudalism.
> The only homogeneous country worth shit, that I can think of is China
And China is 5000 years old. Of course it had political changes over the course, but because the population has never seen any drastic ethnic changes the idea of China has never been seriously disturbed. They aren't retards who do retarded shit.
> But the US still reigns supreme
Because of the Anglo-Saxon DNA that still runs in their veins. This superiority, once exhausted, and it will become exhausted as soon as the mixing with the immigrants ends with the last pure Anglo-Saxons on American soil, end with the supremacy of the US over the earth.
And that's why everyone sane in his mind should marry a woman of his own race, ethnicity and class. Not only does it secure the power your family could have in society, it maintains your capabilities of socializing with your peers at maximum level. Mutt with a negress in a full white community and your children will already be inferior to their peers in regards of sociability within the community. Not necessarily because black people are dumber but because they have other ideas and social behaviors as their homogenous peers.
These are just facts. You can ignore them, accept them, implement in your daily life, or you can tell yourself that every human being is one unique amalgamation of stardust ready to conquer the world under the right circumstances. Unfortunately you are delusional. Have fun loosing everything and seeing your descendants fall lower and lower through the social strata for your incapacity of comprehending basic human sociability.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722635692875292.jpg (127790, 1398x719, Stirner_flute.jpg)
Which one, and why?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722881139957893.jpg (136306, 675x900, IMG_3775.jpg)
What went so wrong with modern millennials? What inform the values of current generation if not them?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722749865212098.jpg (47654, 643x466, 1720895100511.jpg)
Oh... that's World War III...
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722718490991364.jpg (58093, 818x863, 1721239361533275.jpg)
just turned 30
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722491481427364.jpg (155944, 1290x1045, GNd_yntW0AAX-Ze.jpg)
Has a book ever made you a more moral person?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
gook shit lmao
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1722219459604914.png (50993, 550x543, Christcucks.png)
I actually enjoy mocking brain dead posters on this board. Please continue with your manifest foolishness, you are positively a laughing stock.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1722367968943276.jpg (140453, 400x600, the-greatest-sin-aacaxi23rxu.jpg)
Dear /lit/, I want to discuss this book with you. It has such an unbelievably high amount of lore in it and its overall setting is so interesting. It's about the god of pride who gets stronger when people are getting prideful. Hence, he is getting his revenge on some gods by subverting the population to the greatest sin.

I think it's brilliant and has big potential
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722300764034304.jpg (27998, 480x409, _20240729_195212.jpg)
>don't take what you have for granite
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722361189824263.jpg (92645, 680x680, 1722357833103921.jpg)
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722320128605648.jpg (548813, 2047x1539, 1694211951023505.jpg)
Lying down about to read a good book
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
The absolute state of this board lol lmao even
Warn n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
File: 1722214834569284.png (201814, 600x600, LOVECRAFT.png)
Christianity is thoroughly Jewish
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722152266038700.webm (1849573, 270x480, 1722092600648014.webm)
Are there any books about the HR revolution and its consequences?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722143331577186.jpg (36926, 554x554, waldun.jpg)
There's something captivating about watching someone like him turn Literature into a personality trait.
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722131406686021.jpg (30824, 720x374, 1000012416_edited.jpg)
HP Lovecraft's family are still talking to the medical examiner and counting blood and cum stains and heres kb waking up extra early just to hate smdh
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722080464721111.jpg (189472, 1200x675, watchmen.jpg)
I've been disappointed with every Western comic I've read save for Watchmen. It doesn't help that Watchmen was also the first Western comic I read.
Moreover, comics--manga included--seem to be a format ill-suited for complex themes. There's only so much you can do with them. You have to roll your eyes every time an author flips pages upside-down to indicate themes of confusion or disorientation.
Manga is the real reason though why comics are dying out. It's thriving because it's simply better than Western comics in every single regard. Even the shonenslop aimed at kids has more nuance than your typical graphic novel.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722038886795880.jpg (818913, 1170x1174, 580B82A5-8989-443D-90DB-412C0EF8C57F.jpg)
Books that capture the feel of this image?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1722039133145976.webm (4088430, 1280x720, 1722028907734472.webm)
what books to read to understand why yt pipo doing this?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
Just saw a naked black woman walking down the street. There was some half nude buck dragging his knuckles on the sidewalk close behind. I don't know how you people look at niggers and not see them the same way you see wild animals escaped from a zoo. They're literally some primitive hominid species.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1721991018095098.png (2642241, 1920x1080, eurasian plain.png)
Can any of you retards help me understand this phenomenon in china or communist societies in general. It's one of those uncanny valley things that make me scared that a society with one billion people is like this. Also expound on chinese mythology like wukong fighting his way to godhood and whether it's relevant to this. Any books?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721943905928227.jpg (93455, 910x988, 1721600026986695.jpg)
In Barcelona, a nigger faggot literally smiled and winked at me. The worst part is that he definitely thought I would make a bottom twink, since he was much more buff than me.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721851858367239.jpg (90830, 618x559, E68CAB51-9A89-4D91-983D-5DBA21B2E6F7.jpg)
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721823085290604.jpg (20889, 800x449, qrst.jpg)
Are there more incels on /lit/ than on /r9k/?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721757427843662.jpg (155855, 495x1024, 1721701802546115.jpg)
Books about monsters turning on their creators?
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1721767396773110.png (22296, 617x168, xdotcom.png)
Books that deal with Communists and their disillusionment about the Soviet Union

The inherent paradox of utopia and totalitarian struggle
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721765868818152.jpg (160718, 1024x1024, A_Pepe_the_Frog_meme_character%2C_wearing_a_blue_shi.jpg)
>all global powers are either western democratic, Islamic, or Stalinist authoritarian
>other ideologies (i.e Catholic monarchism, Christian reconstruction, any form of anarchism, white nationalism etc) are irrelevant ideologies that represent a lost way of life
>of the relevant ideologies Islam is the best.
Books on Islam?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721783613322109.jpg (140074, 800x1031, crowley.jpg)
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721785401229824.jpg (76333, 810x539, 1720496629477.jpg)
What are some books that explore why /lit/ mods are subhuman jewish tranny child rapists who destroy this board?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721701206751603.jpg (46086, 498x490, 1693574738816954.jpg)
>don't want to jerk off
>have to relieve stress or i won't be able to sleep
Why doesn't anyone write about this? Not even Houellebecq. Why aren't there more books about all of the little humiliations?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721703584234580.jpg (103717, 713x965, booking photo.jpg)
why do they pass their lit blunts back and forth from between pinched toes?
why is it nearly impossible to transfer a blunt foot-to-foot but fairly straightforward to accept the same blunt directly from the clutched toes into your mouth?
do u think maybe it's because their feet are so big, they dont have much dexterity?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721651977198481.jpg (172434, 1280x853, IMG_2227.jpg)
Just because I want to read some slop, doesn't mean it has to be shit. Rec me some slop that is actually decently written and entertaining, it can be any genre
>light novels
>chink webnovels
>40k slop
>cultivation slop
>royal road
>videogame novels
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721619727009706.jpg (38717, 612x436, president-bill-clinton-and-presidentelect-george-w-bush-shake-hands-picture-id51582786-2801190062.jpg)
Due to turbulent events recently I've become very interested in American politics, particularly the presidencies of Clinton and Bush Jr.

What I am particularly fascinated with are Clinton's whole personality and psychological profile, his affair(s) and his relationship with Epstein and the 2003 invasion of Iraq (more-so the background, conspiracy personalities involved, and the war at home than the actual conflict).

I have a solid knowledge of these things but nowhere close to an academic one.

Any recommendations for reading material? If not about these specific topics I'd still like to be more educated about American politics.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721604830809971.jpg (323165, 1080x1080, 1721604517368477.jpg)
Damn Quentin really rebounded
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721611244113614.png (1247503, 1233x944, 65474563541.png)
Say it with me:

Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721468967640959.webm (3042492, 564x700, 1693959612695716.webm)
This thang sits on a toilet
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721469164523793.jpg (67577, 900x900, GQv-fEBWcAAC9-z.jpg)
where do I start with Honoré de Balzac?
Warn n/a /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721387034319958.jpg (242616, 2048x1366, 6CE12C23-0542-458D-A76C-CCBB5F30D8A0.jpg)
Good books about loss of beauty?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
File: 1721432810274544.jpg (174088, 743x1007, IMG_3564.jpg)
How’s F Gardner getting all this new publicity?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
>DUDE killing people is HECKIN BASED

why are right wingers so overtly villainous?
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
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They don't produce art, everything they make has the purpose of subverting the white man
Enough with your faggot Proust and Kafka and Heidegger and Marx and Spinoza and all the others rats
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
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Are there any books about the suicide-inducing reality that everything you lay eyes on these days is plastered in ugly fuckign goddamn advetisements? Now you have blatant product placement in music videos, movies, even songs mention products. You cannot look outside of the window without seeing some goddamn corpo logo. Everything has logos on it. People actively buy clothes that feature prominent branding and makes you look like a billboard. Nobody bats an eyelash at "influerncers" who are literal professional shills, something that people 10 years ago would've thought detestable. I was looking at this Western movie and it's so soothing that there's no fucking goddamn ads anywhere, nobody's holding up some can of product. Holy shit when I look back at this world it's horrific how bad things are. The constant visual and aural cancer is completely abnormal and abominable.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Holy shit
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That is The Question.

There, whoever can answer that question uploads their answer anonymously. I came here with this project, because, while of course there are many lost souls, there are also people who have thought deeply and even broadly about a lot of things, and I expect they will be able to produce some interesting answers. And hell, lost souls have contributed some interesting answers already...

Let's reveal the truth in its multifaceted glory! Share the most important thing you have understood with the world!
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Why does no literature about them exist?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
that tummy was literally built, predestined, fated and meant to be filled with Black babies
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
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What books will explain this behavior in modern women? It genuinely fascinates me. No books by redpill "gurus" please.
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Started working a 9-5 after some time NEETing and holy fuck, it's ruining my mental capacity. I stare at a screen all day and I'm finding it increasingly hard to focus on reading. I have dropped multiple books; and the only things I have read in full this year are rereads. For example, I had to drop Demons by Dosto 50 pages in because articial light mangled brain couldn't keep track of all the Russian names and references to 19th century Russian politics.
I feel myself becoming a bugman like my colleagues, who simply consoom easy entertainment. The only saving grace is I've still been able to write; although the free time I can dedicate to it is becoming less and less due to current circumstances.
Is it over, /lit/? How do fellow wage slaves handle this?
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Impressive statement from Trump after his near death experience yesterday:
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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Do you Voldemort secretly wanted to molest Hery
Ban 3 days /lit/ 1 - Off-Topic, Literature Only
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