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File: 1724961678179452.jpg (81701, 788x711, pepe (43) (2).jpg)
im 10
Ban 30 days Global 2 - Underage User
Sadly no, just male jeets.
They need to be sent back or castrated.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
you are not white you fucking piece of shit i'll fucking slash your throat dumb nigger
bet you fucking think having 1 grandgrandparent that was portuguese is "being white" piece of shit nigger
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724961186520556.png (329965, 828x1792, IMG_8772.png)
Does this happen in your country? Why are Indian people so kind?
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724957357444996.jpg (47268, 617x1024, 1697609362429519m.jpg)
clean it you bald fatty manlet
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
File: 1724961789056343.jpg (813126, 1179x1543, IMG_5820.jpg)
>American engineering
Warn n/a /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724945047363200.png (962846, 1080x1080, 1722674759475851.png)
Sir Woke Barmer

Get the niggers romped
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724951082709085.jpg (426533, 1540x1038, 17248704530530.jpg)
Good morning yugoslovesnki babies
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724955337955262.png (1313120, 1024x1024, 1713840141048613.png)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724954804367420.jpg (543208, 1080x1368, Finnish and Egypt pajeet.jpg)
Unironically kill every last one of these streetshitters
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724948780872687.webm (493645, 480x852,
>/bant/ version of /cum/
Awesome. Then i could post this every day
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724948172376596.png (683956, 810x456, Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 11-15-42 Russian troops.png)
The most popular man in Africa
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724936558569100.png (506, 1280x800, poland.png)
why oh why weren't these subhumans liquidated and replaced with germans? getting tired of their whining
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724940397311529.jpg (101406, 1024x640, 1724877155216373.jpg)
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724934698113819.jpg (19906, 428x368, fc137b1534d9f16acd85edf4075a5353.jpg)
>Russian flag posts the pepe image
>Canadian flag starts spamming replies to it

in your country?
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
Play a single game of dota 2 and you will instantly realize that killing russian and ukranian children is doing God a service
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724937207107988.png (410855, 596x700, 1724604706790401.png)
FACT: Indian men/White women are becoming the fastest growing interracial relationship beating Black man/White women by a large margin
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
intercourse with niggers grosses me out. They're just one layer above chimpanzee and look like humans at an earlier evolutionary stage.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724942482611798.gif (1190103, 1164x1218, 1703029262331786.gif)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724912043847650.jpg (1667060, 1988x3056, 11.jpg)
Everything, including yourself, seems so soft and smooth. Just... lying on your stomach makes you feel an unfamiliar pressure in your chest. And something seems to be tickling your shoulders, like the ends of long hair. Also... You don't feel the usual morning 'tension'—this time everything is so calm, peaceful, and harmonious, as if there is nothing left to be 'tense'...
Turning onto your back and opening your eyes, you find your view obstructed by a lock of long, light-colored hair that has fallen over your face. Reflexively trying to brush it away, you freeze as you see a delicate female hand, slender fingers of wich are adorned with well-groomed nails. Before you can utter an astonished:
>What the he..?
you stop mid-sentence, hearing your own voice... Soft and girlish...
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724937940366643.jpg (22428, 576x222, filename_0.jpg)
> das blutjunge bildhübsche hapa qt freut sich schon später den d zu treffen
> Ich freue mich auch SEHR das süße hübsche hapa Mädchen zu treffen
> Heute Abend
> Die kleine hapa Maus ist sooooooooo süß
> Die ist ganz schüchtern und anhänglich (shy, petite, girly)
> Was mich irgendwie extrem geil macht
> Weiß nicht wieso
> Aber das löst irgendwas in mir aus
> Beschützerinstinkt
> Wir passen sehr gut zusammen
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724924938971403.jpg (44179, 964x1024, 1708636358475.jpg)
Bin wieder da
Hab kurz "Pause" gemacht
Das sitzen hat den d zu sehr angestrengt
Bin in den Innenhof spaziert
Eine Zigarette geraucht
Rauche eigentlich nicht, aber musste einfach sein
Richtig gut diese eine Zigarette
Volle Sonne im Gesicht
Leichte Briese umweht den d
d gut gelaunt
Sitze jetzt wieder da, Terror geht weiter
Heute Abend Date mit dem blutjungen bildhübschen hapa qt
Girly cute shy petite hapa qt
Ja, bin gut gelaunt
Habt ihr heute Abend auch ein Date mit einem blutjungen bildhübschen hapa qt? (Cute shy petite girly)
Die ist sooooooooo süß
Bin maximal verliebt
Uniron GF Material
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724929449211881.jpg (81902, 769x1024, 1724929442748.jpg)
Ikke links
Warn n/a Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724925206773701.jpg (8628, 240x209, pobrane (8).jpg)
Are you being ethnically replaced in your country? Here in Warsaw over one third of people are Ukrainians, they refuse to learn Polish and their women only fuck blacks, I wish we could all deport them
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
Do indian women think they are not equally if not even more subhuman?
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724917724248361.png (5237, 800x582, Flag_of_Israel.png)
nazi germany 2.0
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724905548752379.png (9541, 2560x1707, IMG_0435.png)
We survived a genocide that was aimed at us. Death to all Turkish shitskins.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
Hey Qlof+eni
Hab ne Nachricht für dich, vom d.
> V e r p i s s s I c h

Geh brav zu Koti in die Scheisse Ecke
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724912597634616.jpg (840854, 1920x1080, 1724413366635972.jpg)
Maybe the Japanese are right about Koreans, they are whiny and petty
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724905190102397.webm (717416, 720x1280, 23465246.webm)
Do you love Japan?
Warn n/a /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724914902751032.jpg (159831, 640x641, 1721176804948.jpg)
Do people in your country know that sodomites (faggots) are all pedophiles, rapists, and murderers and that they're criminals who should lawfully be put to death by the state as murderers and adulterers and rapists should be put to death?

Real life isn't as they show on television or as they talk in politics, but the Bible is real, and you can read Genesis 9, Genesis 19, Judges 19, and Romans 1 for yourself.

In every story with sodomites in the Bible, they're forcing someone against their will. In Genesis 9, they're forcing someone against their will. In Genesis 19, they're forcing someone against their will. And in Judges 19 when the lord of the house tries to placate them with his concubine to protect the man they wanted to gang rape, they raped and abused her all night long until they killed her because they're implacable as Romans 1 shows, meaning they will never be satisfied, it will never be enough for them, they always demand more and more and there's never any end in sight with them.

In Genesis 19, when Lot "judges" they condemn him for "judging" (sound familiar?) and they say they will deal "worse" with him than with the men they wanted to rape, "worse" is the superlative of bad, they're evil, they're wicked, they're trash, and they're filled with murder and all unrighteousness as Romans 1 shows. And if you want to talk about judging, we can look at their appearance in Judges 19 where the sodomites raped and abused a woman all night long until they killed her. That's the true color, the true nature, of the sodomite which the God-hating media will never show you. Much of what I'm saying is even illegal in many of your nations, like questioning the holocaust hoax.

And you can't say "oh that's the old testament, it doesn't apply" because God is the same yesterday, today, and for ever; and in 2nd Peter, near the end of the Bible, we read Sodom is an example for all who would live ungodly afterwards. And in Revelation, we read the outpouring of God's wrath.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724919606041958.jpg (261492, 720x688, 1719871460938214.jpg)
Post american moments
Warn n/a /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724918171556139.jpg (576776, 1080x1003, Screenshot_20240828-011522.jpg)
Why are /asean/ like this?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724895004504617.jpg (127526, 720x541, ΤΟΤΑΛ.jpg)
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724914215073827.webm (2830218, 604x874, 1724913209800595.webm)
do you have pool parties in your country?
Warn n/a /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
Go back to doing drive bys on a moped you filthy nigger
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724899036808878.jpg (300700, 2560x720, 1722452272214.jpg)
Submission to blacks
That's the Irish way
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724887700398765.png (170099, 702x638, 1724110706331.png)
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724884876251418.jpg (1596117, 2000x1374, E4FEB6542D1E6F5E703609916887BDC9-1596135.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724885666611924.jpg (437839, 726x1000, efaa6d1d1443ff7726c809fa8beeb14e.jpg)
I love my master so much... He humiliates me a lot whenever I see him... I want him to step on my head and laugh at me with contempt....
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724877833894112.png (7970, 377x100, 245457254.png)
all of you larpers and neonazis need to learn from us.
we killed 400k of them and exchanged the rest for pigs to israel.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724883778714658.jpg (710110, 4080x3072, PXL_20240828_123509532.jpg)
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
It just means subhumans
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
fat nigger award
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724874660324225.png (1408564, 855x895, 423432.png)
what are you medial canthi like in your country
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724862576255945.jpg (2463782, 2160x3840, 1693423120456168.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
waarom mag ik niet racistisch zijn op reddit? wat een kutnegers
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724863372759179.jpg (314032, 859x1250, b9687a34068babadf6941ee7b56a98af.jpg)
Why does it feel so good to be a man's property <3
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724857116553480.webm (1695989, 554x982, db.webm)
You cannot suffer in America.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
Goy, Judne gehen nicht in Knast. (Wenn überhaupt dann ins Gas)
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724843534640868.webm (3337665, 1280x720, 1721056616330049.webm)
true, check this ukrainian dying
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
Try 2000 years for Greece lmao
What has Greece achieved since that time? Literally nothing. Greeks are brown subhumans
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724849834512664.jpg (430973, 4080x3072, PXL_20240828_123509532.jpg)
What's your wood like in your country?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724837998921364.jpg (96296, 1080x573, 1704483303872234.jpg)
The report concludes that drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per liter is "consistently associated with lower IQs in kids."

The World Health Organization considers 1.5 milligrams a "safe limit."
Warn n/a /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724842972743549.png (319426, 838x323, EnglishRetardmogg.png)
Yes, the Normans ARE superior, whereas you're inferior, you're not Normans, you're the vanquished, humiliated Anglo-Celtic masses UNFIT for civilization. There's a factual correlation between the decline of British Statehood and the steady increase of involvement of the Anglo-Celtic commoners.

Not to mention that you're profoundly ugly and immoral people.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724849937931525.jpg (1967701, 3984x1840, IMG_20231204_105128.jpg)
I'm unironically Jewish
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
You're a fucking jeet and you always post the same trash, shiteater
Warn n/a /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724831882434367.jpg (23505, 602x600, 9334b3c153b496fcec16288b5958a7f3_11548596301.jpg)
I refuse to join the military because I only kill
1. Japanese people
2. Americans

That's it I will dont murder anyone else. It's against my religion.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724836950773221.jpg (167079, 1079x1692, 1673240912565.jpg)
Des auch fake?
Artefakte und so?


Ist von gestern der Chat
Heute wieder treffen
Läuft super mit dem hapa qt
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724837467595476.png (571345, 585x502, rustik.png)
Because I do. May the aeternal suffering fall upon his sinful soul (I'd say, if the russians actually had souls).
Warn n/a /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
KIM is the name of 25% all gook subhumans.
Never trust a gook last name =KIM
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724828631395679.jpg (2519016, 1836x3484, Hj76hb.jpg)
I am homeless
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724831748163983.jpg (117528, 964x568, 20240828_095335.jpg)
why do g#rmans love killing so much? They just can't help themselves. Is it something in their culture?
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724834710432677.png (533163, 473x635, 1724799845711277.png)
>"jews did 9/11" och liknande var 100% skämt
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1724831879151747.jpg (239479, 1170x1128, 1724686694729172.jpg)
schwester sauer weil ich mit kumbls am we am strand war und sie nicht gefragt habe, qöq

sehe auch ihr profilbild nimmer
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
Hello mr. Ban Ki Gook.
You evil, slant eyed soulless, good dog eater mongoloid.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
Fuck shahar ill fucking stab you if I see you here.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
You're a poojeet. Brits hate you. Look at them shit on you every thread lmao.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
Fuck you and I hope you get liberated(obliterated) by russians.
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724816718365814.jpg (154190, 862x862, 73d5224da288e8b326badf01efdf0147.jpg)
What went wrong? Bros?
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724832415727949.jpg (2111130, 2508x3541, 2957a49fd0fa9b6f7dd7771bd7c1ceb3.jpg)
I just came while fantasising about being raped by a superior man <3 Is this normal in your country?
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724793936387316.jpg (30927, 380x329, 1724792369278425.jpg)
Warn n/a /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724819937673361.png (1332771, 864x1177, gotyourback.png)
>I've got your back brother
Warn n/a /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724823918353836.png (775009, 1581x590, 1724821294212009~2.png)
Is this the most based human corpse in history? Discuss.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724804760506737.jpg (1979110, 2320x2658, Syria.jpg)
Internationally speaking, what went so horribly wrong? /int/ told me Assad would win and have this wrapped up by now?
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724798572896147.jpg (27373, 307x153, Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg)
>that speck on the bottom button
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
File: 1724796732592015.png (1478106, 1620x2880, f2d91af32cab455524c0578dae27e576-min.png)
Your women need big satanic white cock
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724800688820732.jpg (873635, 1962x2048, 20240824130758.jpg)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724799503377537.jpg (112464, 686x386, s1.jpg)
Unsurpassed to this day
Ban 3 days Global 15 - Pony/Ponies Outside of /mlp/
File: 1724790334678665.webm (2449037, 1140x636, 1724788497520121.webm)
Did this happen
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724791292894475.jpg (632349, 700x818, IMG_5761.jpg)
>shatters 400 billions in military aid from NATO
>completely on his own
>economy isn't even affected
>doesn't even implement conscription

Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724793095645542.gif (3967466, 352x352, 1720079961217138.gif)
Cool. Looking forward to seeing vids of your based and trad communist brothers torturing and murdering you for being a spy.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724782097011346.png (973145, 1184x1026, 1724109812311986.png)
enkel vinst varje gång
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
Even worse, you’re a nigger
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724782595204184.webm (339514, 352x640, Mandingo_meat_missile.webm)
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724783309432308.jpg (112193, 1080x1003, Screenshot_20240828-011522.jpg)
do you enjoy reading modern japanese literature in ur cunt?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724782441234613.jpg (189799, 903x1223, 373hx.jpg)
This is so fucking ironic and hilarious
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
Germany is way better than shithole England basically USA B full of niggers and nigger loving Anglo skanks.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724777417616740.jpg (255034, 1134x502, 1722817918010131.jpg)
Warn n/a Global 6 - Ironic shitposting
File: 1724777488782047.jpg (52003, 790x545, modi-putin-xi.jpg)
Ban 3 days /int/ 3 - Deport to /pol/
File: 1724776026881647.webm (1464154, 1024x576, 1673863620022[1].webm)
italians just copying pure russian sovl webms
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1724776865359163.png (186271, 970x218, China loses again.png)
>Do everything
WTF happened? You shills told me China was going to surpass America any day now
Warn n/a /int/ 3 - No Politics/Current Events
File: 1724771620995285.jpg (106803, 728x798, bdc686f59d452c4090dece1337949906.jpg)
I love submitting to men who are older than me... Is this normal in your country...
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724771773113200.gif (449843, 220x215, mutki.gif)
When will you kill yourself?
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
and that's a good thing
subhuman gooks must be extinct
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1724772285838657.gif (1133339, 250x318, 1700853009212265.gif)
I kinda dont really care
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1724776842768836.webm (2305594, 1920x1080, 1660178079187.webm)
>wanting a bug gf when your women look like this
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Respectful Discussion of Cultures
File: 1724767637061291.webm (208464, 1080x1920, dob_2010.webm)
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
File: 1724766173286229.jpg (971112, 788x1184, 1337c31f41f905daf663b3ade129b549.jpg)
Men are so tall and strong... It makes me feel so weak and warm...
Ban 3 days /int/ 1 - Off-Topic, International Culture Only
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