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File: 1699721941131031.swf (6864938, 1500x576, Weekend Outside Curler.swf)
The Autumn Babby wraps up this weekend and to the surprise of everyone /f/ is still fucking in it! After 9 pointing a group no one gave us a chance of surviving we're locked in for a winter appearance and today's Round of 16 match up.
We've got the duty of stopping a resurging /mlp/ team from making yet another final day appearance, the matches kick off here in the next few minutes, our match time is at 19:40 UTC (about 2 and a half hours from this post).
I've been crunched as hell for time this week so my appologies for this extremely lazy swf but this joke was begging to be made (and it was a hell of a goal to boot).
Link to the stream can be found as usual on the homepage
>final what the fuck is this faggot talking about?

Which reminds me that our master music list on the team wiki page is finally fixed again and should have correct links to all our current horns and anthems.
That's it from me, enjoy the matches and lets bring this thing to the finale.
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
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