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File: 1724699984390717.gif (77463, 194x177, 1674666196135672.gif)
how long to model a boykisser in blender without actual blending?
Warn n/a /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1724643600132186.jpg (130602, 1000x707, l31.jpg)
vidya butts thread
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus Christ died for our sins on a cross and rose from the dead three days later, to Give us eternal life. If You believe in Jesus Christ and ask Him to save you.
He will give You the free gift of eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. God Loves us!!
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1722125723925855.jpg (45985, 640x480, 874606.jpg)
I realized that the reason why I love 3DCG is that im a repressed tranny and doing 3D art is the closest thing I get to expressing myself as a cute girl or just immersing myself in a fictional world in general.
Is 3D art a good way to express desires that are impossible in the real world? Does it make you better or worse as an artist? Can anyone relate?
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1722039744533214.jpg (624079, 1080x1080, Picsart_24-07-26_18-36-09-923.jpg)
Nada ñ sou estou aqui para dizer q noz da o cu porra é o orochinho presidente do brasil
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1721081251363888.jpg (151205, 1000x667, 1000_F_310702609_4gBVegSvaamurC8W5ddru2uiPAPcSDWN.jpg)
this board is
Ban 3 days Global 8 - Complaining About 4chan
File: 1720442198006358.gif (13794, 200x200, 1718958474883716.gif)
Took a week off to chud, here's my first full chud at the end of the chuds. Chudwards and chudwards.
Is there like a course or recommended sequence of chuds to make to improve at chudding?
WIP lowpoly dechudding of my vrchat chud
Chudding chudding
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1720649529921648.png (38396, 346x498, 1000001042.png)
its been almost 3 years since my last job and i don't get why im not getting hired

i know my portfolio is not perfect but god damn, im not able to get even junior jobs anymore, i have even lied on some job application and still not hired

what do to improve/get hired? giving up not an option
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1720478727036673.png (43656, 326x286, 1720467885569327.png)
What the fuck is their problem?
Ban 5 days Global 4 - Cross-board/Intra-4chan Raid
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for your sins on a cross , then God rose from the dead three days later. So that you may receive the free gift of eternal life, when you ask Him to forgive you. If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. You will receive this free gift. He also promises to heal your body. This Is Gods Love for You!
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1718145935088588.png (33950, 640x966, 1711359541618005.png)
i needed to edit a video yesterday and blender kept crashing on me. it was a very simple edit just a few cuts and some freeze frames. i hadn't opened blender in years, maybe 2 or 3 years. what the hell happened?
Ban 1 day Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
>Imagine being a nigger and not killing yourself.
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Racism
File: 1718067566680346.gif (813512, 800x800, 1716502421330502.gif)
Exclusive non-chuddity 3d workflows goes in here.
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1714979070848601.gif (364339, 320x190, ezgif-1-336ae920de.gif)
Hi! I'm trying to learn Blender and here is my first animation. Do I have chances of making it?
Ban 3 days Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1710451479637026.webm (939535, 960x540, _scrub11_5_10001-0250.webm)
what do you guys think of my animation, there will be more scenes following.
its been fun working on this so far
Warn n/a Global 15 - Pony/Ponies Outside of /mlp/
File: 1708405015061268.webm (234257, 1920x1080, Ruby_Domain_expansion_first_scene.webm)
It seems the AI reaper has come for 3D as well. I started getting into 3D because I thought it would be safer for a little while but it seems that went up in smoke. I don't want to stop animating and trying to get better by any means but I'm just demotivated by the Sora stuff.

People say this is going to be a tool for real artists but I don't see how I'm going to use any of this stuff beyond being a prompt monkey for making my own stuff.
Warn n/a /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1708190972176598.jpg (165173, 1200x675, OpenAI_Sora_in_Action-_Tokyo_Walk.webm.jpg)
>tfw couldn't find a job in 3d due to high competition
>go into VFX
>tfw VFX is now done for

And I just got my job back too!
Warn n/a /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1708873482260654.jpg (1701192, 4000x3000, 20240214_175608.jpg)
एह् थाह् र हून मेरा शौचालय ऐ।
Ban 3 days Global 10 - Reposting/Spamming
File: 1708270595232838.jpg (386371, 1600x1800, 17 01 2024 oodfgkkjhg.jpg)
it's over
Ban 1 day Global 3 - Grotesque ("guro") images
File: 1704178204086171.jpg (231355, 1237x1669, Screenshot_20240102-074918.jpg)
>be me
>make reddit account to seek some help for a new GPU with enough memory and VRAY compatibility that doesn't exceed 600€ threshold
>ask about how 4060ti16 does on 3d
>redditard says that GPU has no value and I should go for a 6600XT
"but AMD can't run anything that's not Prorender Engine and it's still in development"
>yOuR jUst aN nViDiA fAnBoY iF aMd cAn RuN gAmEs thEn it cAn AlSo rUN vRaY
>Get 200 replies, 100 bout on how bad Nvidia is, keep getting shilled AMD
>the other ones tell me to get a 3080 instead
>fuckers don't read shit about price limit and don't give a fuck bout pc parts (especially nvidia) costing twice in Europe from basic America price

Reddit gamers are so mind dumbing to deal with, deleted my reddit account and kept coping. Fucking brand fanboys and manchildren with worse money management than a gamble addict.
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
File: 1705193113150633.jpg (289456, 1344x1126, 2023_12_28_03_46_48_4058.jpg)
you are right, I don't use Daz anymore
Warn n/a Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1701058086728365.webm (807512, 250x140, cris.webm)
My haters BTFO again.

My new game It's finally at the point where it reaches the old grandma secret family sauce point, chuds.

BTFO again.

by old school vidya arcade secret sauce, straight from 1980 nagoya japanese secret sauce, chuds.

Time to BTFO the industry.
Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
im trans btw if that matters
Warn n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
tranny shit
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1697143753539368.gif (543669, 498x421, soyjoy.gif)
What is the zbrush of animation?
Ban n/a Global 6 - Irrelevant catchphrases/copypasta
File: 1695071276658006.png (5199, 99x154, file.png)
any of you know good Free Model/texture download sites?
I only know smutbase,open3d,pack3d,sketchfab and models resource can anyone add to my list of stuff to steal from
Warn n/a Global 16 - Request Thread Outside of /r/
File: 1696533358096249.png (1615120, 1224x1194, nomadboobs.jpeg.png)
Anybody use nomad sculpt? I have been trying to make more complicated sculpts by merging meshes but I can’t smooth the transitions once I remesh them. Is there a fix for this?
Warn n/a Global 5 - NWS on Worksafe Board
File: 1692200649108413.jpg (848721, 1170x1350, RDT_20230807_2220207776649960445237771.jpg)
This is a test (comment)
Ban 1 day /3/ 1 - Off-Topic, 3D Modeling Only
Fuck off tranny lover nigger, this ain't discord
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1687770873526254.png (109357, 1988x1022, Cycles_3.6_Intel_A770.png)


Ban 30 days Global 9 - Ban Evasion
The faggots defending Maya as "ITs bEtTer fOr aNiMatiOn" guess what. It has been dethroned by Ai.
Warn n/a Global 3 - Troll posts
File: 1679687694028874.jpg (24770, 600x718, 473.jpg)
/ic/ tourist here, just wanted to say I hate every single one of you talentless soulless smug fuckin cunts
your employability hinges on your ability to pirate as many asset libraries as possible
99% of you have no eye for shapes or rythm
On top of that you also probably smell bad
That's all, take care
Ban 3 days Global 3 - Troll posts
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